Battle at Kruger: Lions, Buffalo, Crocodile

One of the fascinating things about YouTube is that it grants you access to video you would never have come across on your own. There simply never was a mechanism for finding and viewing clips of this sort before.

"Media," tracing its way back to the Gutenberg Printing Press, started out broadcasting as a priviledged few-to-few. The rise of the Mass Media in the 19th (Print) and 20th (Electronic) centuries turned media into a few-to-many communication form.

Today, media is many-to-many.

Which leads me to this video clip from the South African jungle. It is utterly fascinating — I can guarantee you’ve never seen anything like this before. Perhaps there are some lessons in it for life.

Via Investment Post Cards

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. KirkH commented on May 29

    Buffalowned! That’s from the comments from YouTube which are sometimes as good or better than the content itself.

  2. Mike commented on May 29

    I want the video that shows the water buffalo debate on helping a brother out. How does the argument for either side get conveyed? Is there some water buffalo equivalent of “Hey, there are 30 of us and 5 of them! Do the math!”? Or is it all just nerves and hormones building up to critical mass as they watch the struggle, and the Fight wins out over Flight? And why doesn’t fight ALWAYS win out over flight, given the ratios?


  3. Jdog33 commented on May 29

    Barry, that was awesome video – thanks.

  4. Ian commented on May 29

    Amazing, thanks for the heads-up.
    Big players come out for big game(s)…

  5. Fenner commented on May 29

    holy smokes!

  6. Tom K commented on May 29

    This is why your Blog is a favorite of mine. Not only do I get excellent views on the economy, but you also sprinkle in these fantastic little diversions.

    Keep it up!

  7. Eclectic commented on May 29

    If you are a Caribou, you should remember never to let the Grizzly grab your antlers.

    …because, when you do, they are no longer a threat, and then you are just bear puke.

  8. Estragon commented on May 29

    Some days you get lunch; some days you ARE lunch.

  9. KP commented on May 29

    Tis true, at least lately, more and more of the weak are surviving well beyond their original expiration dates.

    BUT….balance is always restored in the end.

  10. Kris Tuttle commented on May 29

    It ain’t over until it’s over!

  11. The Financial Philosopher commented on May 29

    In studies of risk, a phenomenon, known as “choice shift,” exists when a group decision is usually more extreme than a decision favored by most members of the group. The inherent fears of the individuals are lessened, as the risk-tolerant members of the group become the most influential…

    To bring this post back to a context of investing, dooes this sound familiar?

    Kent (aka The Financial Philosopher)

  12. Brian commented on May 29

    Am I the only one who was holding out for the lions to attack the tourists?

    Is the investment lesson that the bulls (or most bull-like animals) are the winners or did I read this all wrong? Because if it isn’t, I need to go cancel all those after-hours market-level purchases I just made.

  13. wunsacon commented on May 29

    When do we buffalo the lobbyists, neocons, religious right, and patsy democrats out of town?

  14. Schahrzad Berkland commented on May 29

    Consensus on April new home sales is that sharp price cuts by builders (-11%) led to a big increase in units sold (up 16% MoM). However, closer inspection of data shows that the strength was in not-yet-constructed low-end units (under $200K) in the south. For example, units in the South increased 28%, and units under $150K increased 89%!!! In total, units under $200K accounted for 43% of units sold vs 32% last month. How do you explain that? Katrina re-building! Federal aid or insurance money probably came in recently, which led to this big increase in lower priced homes in the south. This also solved the puzzle that units not yet started soared 35% while completed units were flat — one would expect builders to cut prices to sell completed units since the carrying costs are higher.
    Written by cmc313 on 2007-05-29 10:28:19

  15. David commented on May 29

    I’m with Tom K … Great stuff, BR!

  16. jagmohan swain commented on May 30

    Simply amazing, unbeleivable.Lions taught a lesson.Amazing how those buffalos first ran away in fear, regrouped and summoned their courage in the end to come back for baby buffalo and how well they did it.Man amazing.simply amazing.The way they surrounded
    the lions together was just awesome.No word is enough.Wonderful clip Barry.simply wonderful.

  17. DavidB commented on May 30

    Great stuff!

    I never would have guessed the little guy would have got out alive(though he’s probably crippled for life or dead from bleeding to death already). From reading the title I would have guessed the croc would have won. This reminds me of the corporate merger market. This was a failed hostile takeover attempt complete with competing offers.

    What really fascinated me though was how the lions looked like grass just before they attacked. It just shows how a good paint job can really help you in the jungle

  18. David Merkel commented on May 30

    The Reformation was a “few to many” proposition, which made it so effective at spreading the Gospel. Mass communication is not a phenomenon of only the last 200 years.

  19. jmf commented on May 30

    thanks from germany!


  20. Mark commented on May 30

    Karl Marx would have appreciated that video…

  21. commented on May 30

    …oder ich hole meine Brüder!!!

    Da sieht man mal wieder, was geschehen kann wenn man sich mit vermeintlich schwächeren anlegt. Der S

  22. okaycuckoo commented on May 30

    So the revolution WAS televised!

    Go on the bufflas.

    I was expecting a pterodactyl to swoop out of the sky just as baby buffla was trotting to safety.

    And what about the commentary from the South African ranger-type? He got everything wrong! David Lereah travelled further for his new job than we thought.

  23. Miracle Max commented on Jun 1

    I was hoping a lion would be chased into the water and get nailed by the crocs.

  24. brion commented on Jun 3

    Don’t do the deal unless you’re willing to take on the WHOLE Family!

  25. Jerry commented on Jun 5

    If you watch closely, the first crocadile bite nails the left-most unsuspecting lion. He jumps out of the water and roars at the croc, like that was going to scare it away! The croc regroups and latches onto the baby buffalo after the lions jump out of water. I, too, was hoping there was more to the croc-lion exchange.

  26. ibemee commented on Jun 8

    ….and that is what WE -thesheeple – have to do to save OUR Constitution and OUR America from the psycho Bush-Corporate-fascists.

  27. rae commented on Aug 8

    fascinating! got here while searching for textual info on the story, surprised by some of the comments that draw reference to capitalism. then took a look at the site title – i see.

  28. Jacquerie commented on Sep 2

    My friend’s play-by-play reaction:

    [19:23] k: oh wow
    [19:23] k: I see where this video is going
    [19:23] k: I like lions
    [19:24] k: I love the people
    [19:24] k: “they’re crouching”
    [19:24] j: lol
    [19:24] k: oh no
    [19:24] k: there’s a baby
    [19:24] xjx: be sad
    [19:24] k: oh
    [19:24] k: oh noooo
    [19:25] k: :-(:-(:-(
    [19:25] xjx: just wait
    [19:25] xjx: keep watchin;
    [19:26] k: he’s kicking
    [19:26] k: wtf?
    [19:26] k: alligators?
    [19:26] k: oh my gosh
    [19:26] xjx: hahaha
    [19:26] k: wow
    [19:26] k: that’s ridiculous
    [19:26] k: I want the lions to win!
    [19:26] xjx: what about the baby?
    [19:26] k: and they doooo
    [19:26] k: haha
    [19:26] k: well
    [19:26] k: lions gotta eat
    [19:27] k: baby shoulda been faster
    [19:27] k: uh oh
    [19:27] k: wtf is coming now?
    [19:27] k: hooooly shit
    [19:27] k: coming after the baby
    [19:27] k: yeah
    [19:27] k: that’s a bit late
    [19:27] xjx: this is so fun to read, knowing what happens:-)
    [19:27] k: haha
    [19:27] k: lmao
    [19:28] k: I like seeing the bulls chase the lions
    [19:28] k: dude
    [19:28] k: there’s like, 50 bulls
    [19:28] k: CHARGE
    [19:28] k: whoa
    [19:28] k: and a lion is airborne!
    [19:28] k: oh god
    [19:28] k: the baby is still alive
    [19:29] k: it can’t be in good shape
    [19:29] k: aw
    [19:29] k: they got it!
    [19:29] k: wow
    [19:30] k: that’s awesome

  29. Free Post Cards commented on Dec 4

    nice post, thanks for the information.

    Free Post Cards

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