Google Dashboard

I’ve been playing with Google Dashboard for awhile now — its a pretty cool source of blog site data.

Its a nice collection of statistics — Pageviews, Traffic Sources Overview, Map Overlay — all well displayed and organized.

Gee, these Google guys are going places . . .

Traffic Sources Overview




Map Overlay

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  1. Michael Donnelly commented on May 28

    Reading the Big Picture from Moscow, Russia this week. Does that show up in the Google tracking?

  2. Michael Donnelly commented on May 28

    Attempting but failing to post from Moscow, Russia to see if the Google tracking shows it.

  3. MAS (San Diego) commented on May 28

    22% of your traffic was from the keyword youporn! Nothing for Luskin or Kudlow. Interesting.

  4. MAS (San Diego) commented on May 28

    Correction: I meant to say keyword traffic not just traffic.

    BR: Yeah, the breakdown of traffic (as of this AM) is as follows:

    Direct 183,833 (38.93%)
    Search Engines 144,689 (30.64%)
    Referring Sites 143,654 (30.42%)
    Other 32 (0.01%)

    So 22% of the ~31% of search engine traffic — about 6.8% — is You Porn . . .

  5. me commented on May 28

    “Gee, these Google guys are going places . . . ”


    May 24, 2007
    The Final Days of Google: It is going to be an inside job.

    Cringely, the same moron that said IBM is firing 150,000 of their 130,000 US employees by the end of this years also says Google is toast.

    He must be right becuase he is right 53.3% of the time. And if you don’t believe that, check some of the IBM boards. Those poor people have such low morale they believe this stuff.

    Anyhow, for what it is not worth:

  6. j d ess commented on May 28

    just installed this at work and have been playing around w/ it. pretty damn close to webtrends at zero the cost and none of the hassle of dealing with the sysadmin. i’m having some trouble w/ the filters and can’t get it to ignore an ip range. otherwise, outstanding. now if only the “decision makers” would pay attention to what it’s telling us…

  7. Barry Ritholtz commented on May 29

    I mentioned Cringely’s piece in the weekend linkfests!

  8. Greg Feirman commented on Jun 1

    Thanks for passing this along Barry.

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