Recent Changes to the Blog

Due to rabid demand, my fabulous designer/programmer has made some improvements to the site:

1. Print functionality: There is now a print this button that is formatted for 8.5 X 11 paper! No headers or irrelevant formatting — just the blog post! (should be finshed shortly)

2. Hide email from comments: You can now post your real email address, and it won’t be seen by spammers (but I will see it) This is important, for those of you who I might need to reach

3. We added a few items, widgets, a category cloud, and some technorati stuff.

4. The blockquote color was changed to #000066. Thats the dark purple, which is much easier on the eyes than the bright blue.

5. Actual posting date and time stamp added to Headline at top

6. Added BlogAds and GoogleAds. 

For those of you who read TBP via a feed, I also tweaked some Feedburner settings last week — and the feed subs went up 10 fold. These have been full feeds since you vociferously requested it.

These changes should show up before the day is over . . .


Finally, quite a few of you have suggested going for Sponsors rather than advertisers. I am all ears as to which firms do this repping/sales for this. Any suggestions?


What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. rebound commented on Jun 29


    I think the sponsorship idea is classy.

    Here is an article you may find interesting. It is titled “How To Advertise on Your Blog Without (Completely) Selling Out”

    The author is a pretty good guy, and makes some good points. (Today he also happens to have an article about the iPhone.)

    Good luck with your updates.

  2. Estragon commented on Jun 29

    From disclosure #12 – “Spammers, Trolls and Asshats recieve no such guarantee . . . ”

    LOL. I shall endeavor to keep my asshatness in check ;-)


  3. Alex Khenkin commented on Jun 29

    “You can now post your real email address, and it won’t be seen by spammers (but I will see it).”
    The funny thing is, I use a “disposable” e-mail address for these purposes (I can be reached through it, but I’m ready to chuck it at first sign of trouble), and – I NEVER get any spam on it. Unlike my main address, which I don’t put out. Go figure…

  4. Joelle commented on Jun 29

    Just for the record, previously, the email addresses were spam protected according to Typepad’s code syntax. :) But now they just won’t appear at all so you can rest easy.

  5. Bob A commented on Jun 29

    just please don’t put up any ads that have a picture of the mad money clown.

  6. Larry Y commented on Jun 29

    Has the website considered using TypeKey authentication?

  7. Christopher Laudani commented on Jun 29

    Hey Barry,

    A few suggested sponsors:

    – The National Assn of Realtors
    – Rose Colored Glasses R US, Inc.
    – Goldilocks, Inc.
    – The U.S. Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
    – And, finally,

  8. Winston Munn commented on Jun 30

    So, now that Paris is out of jail, does that subtract 1 from NILF?

  9. Pradeep commented on Jun 30

    With your visit numbers and readership you should talk to Federated Media, that will be your best sponsorship/ advertising option.

  10. L’Emmerdeur commented on Jul 5

    Barry, I’d say Google ads are better in that you are not tied to a specific name, which could then be seen as coloring your opinion (I know, fat chance of that, but it’s about the perception, not the reality) if you ever wrote about that sponsor in a post.

    Also, Google ads are always good for an occasional laugh, as with all such algorithmically-generated content.

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