Updated Disclosure Statement

Our amusing yet informative disclosure statement has been updated.   

I plan on doing this on a quarterly basis.

click for our hilarious yet deadly serious disclosures


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  1. SCsurfer commented on Jul 1

    Right now, someone is reading this and saying to themselves “What does he mean, being an asshole?” If you actually wondered that to yourself, well then the odds strongly favor that you yourself have sphincter-like qualities. Thus, you should consider it likely that you will be banned as a rectoid from posting comments sometime in the near future.

    One of the best quotes I’ve seen in a long time!!! Keep it up Barry!!

  2. UrbanDigs commented on Jul 1

    Barry – I would love to see more content on TBP about your feelings on specific industries as they pertain to what is going on in the world now.

    So many blogs are ‘old news’ simply reporting on what has happened already bringing no creative thought to the table for serious discussion. Thats one reason why I like this site. You have no qualms about saying what you feel regardless of what the reports may say.

    More specifically, I would like to see more posts/your opinions/backup data on:

    1. What can bring globalization down?

    2. How this world of STILL high liquidity can possibly change in years to come? What are some events that could possibly occur (6 months ago no one was discussing CDO’s and the possibility of their collapse; unless I missed it somewhere). So whats next?

    3. Oil Industry / Peak or Still Going?

    4. What will cause third, fourth, & fifth leg in national housing downturn (assuming sub prime and tighter lending standards are #’s 1 & 2; feelings on jobs, more of a credit crunch, etc?)

    5. If inflation data is flawed, yet the tradable markets and governing body makes decisions and movements based on this, why even discuss what real world is doing? What can be done to measure inflation more accurately and is a change in order? Should headline #’s be targeted or Core?

    6. Further discuss / breakdown this CDO mess! How will it further effect liquidity in mortgage back securities? Will it lead to a credit crunch if it continues and loans get harder to package up and sell in this marketplace?

    Your site is fantastic and enjoy your commentary on K & C! Keep it up.


  3. RW commented on Jul 1


    First para of disclosure 8B says “dollar cost indexing” but the rest of the statement is referring to “dollar cost averaging.”

    Otherwise, some of the disclosures cracked me up; e.g., is “asshat” a recognized NY legal category and have you ever billed for a comment or trackback advert?

  4. kvenlander commented on Jul 1

    I really really want to see you bill comment spammers. Do it and post updates – maybe you can get a blogger movement started ;-).

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