. . . I will have already left for the long weekend.
I will be posting on some mornings — and only occasionally after that. I will leave the admin work to my able and trusty assistant Ginger. That includes dealing with spammers, asshats, and trolls.
She has instructions to terminate with prejudice:
Unpublish any impolite or off topic comments;
Delete anything that remotely looks like spam;
Suspend anyone starting a flame war;
Ban all trolls and asshats;
Show no mercy to anyone;
If you find yourself unpublished or banned this week, well, that means you are prime proctological material. You have offended her delicate sensibilities, and will have to wait until I return to file an appeal.
Please behave this week!
WTF happened to Katherine?
….Listen up, Ginger!… Don’t you even think about it!… I’ll put a hex on you!
have a good break
rgds pcm
Have wonderful break, which is clearly well earned.
Man, I love the fireworks every July 4th!
prrrease don’t trow me in dat briar patch!!
I tried to post this in response to your “Look Whose Blogging Now” post, but it wouldn’t accept comments. Hope I have better luck here!
Thanks so much for the mention of NYSE Euronext’s blog, Exchanges.
NYSE actually has been blogging since December 2005, when our HybridTalk blog started up. Our Exchanges blog succeeds HybridTalk and we hope to use it to talk about NYSE Euronext’s multiple market platforms, products and services.
My compliments on your blog, and again, my appreciation for the mention.
Oh, so… you tell us you’re gonna be gone for a week and not read the blog?
Teelll ya what…. While you’re enjoying yourself somewhere harrassing innocent people, spend some time thinkin’ ’bout how deep (or, ‘depp’ as you often spell it) into the 4s this is goin’:
All kidding aside. Have a good and safe 4th, Barringo, and thanks for the enjoyable and informative blog.
Enjoy your holiday & time away from the blog.
Perhaps you can request ideas for blog posts, like you did a while back for a link fest when you were out. If Ginger is here to keep us in line, perhaps we can do some of the heavy lifting for a day or two.
Oh, Im still posting — but I simply don’t have time to deal with the spammers, trolls and asshats which I typically yank off the site as fast as they can post!
how does one become an asshat?
Enjoy the fishing, be sure to post some pictures.
4 minutes, to answer the last question (now unpublished)
Without impolite, off-topic remarks, flame war starters, and trolls sounding off, how will anyone recognize your comment section?
BR: LOL — the old timers will recognize what it looked like in the lower volume, pre-asshat days . . .
Have a great vacation and all, but really, this Ginger of Delicate Sensibilities… is she single? ;-)
Yeah, Stalin…
I figured your descent into asshatdomhood would have a rapid course.
Yeah, Eclectic-Brown-Noser…
At least it does not stink as your ass-kissing-hood.
Get him Ginger!… G’on, get him!
This is what you’re gettin’ paid the big bucks for.
Please do not shirk your responsibility.
How old are you? Do you also have an imaginary friend Ginger? Are you talking about Ginger Ritholtz?
Ginger is an imaginary friend created by Barry Ritholtz. Having imaginary friends at his age may be caused by mental, organic, or drug-related conditions. If told that the friend is non-existent, the inventor will often retaliate in a defensive manner by deleting this post.
Have a nice 4th, Assassin!
You too!
Hey Assassin,
Asshat’s off to you!
Sycophantic hat’s off to my toady Eclectic-Brown-Noser too!