Media Appearance: CNBC’s Morning Call (07/30/07)


This morning, I’ll be on CNBC at 11:00am, discussing the market volatility last week, including sentiment issues and defensive rotation with Dylan Ratigan.

Also on the show — Noel Lamb, CIO at Russell Investment Group will be on as well.  In addition to Dylan, we guest hosts Liz Ann Sonders and John Carey from Pioneer Investments will be grilling us.

On today’s agenda:

-Our quantitative ranking system had an average group rank of the 275 industry groups we follow was 70 (out of a possible 100) — Now, its 48. There are many more groups weakening, which suggest this is the first leg of a more significant correction.

-The 90/10 day we saw last week is a bottom signal only AFTER a long run down. Whne it comes so close to a new high, it is NOT a cathartic punctuation.

-The nominal bounce we got today is disappointing

The Russell is now in the red 1.7%, year-to-date. The defensive rotation is well underway.

All sectors have been broadly hit — but in particular Banks, Energy, Reits, Real Estate, and Home Builders. The only strong SPX group has been the Internet Retailers, and that is most likely because of Amazon.

Should be fun!

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  1. stevie pointer commented on Jul 30

    Hi Barry,
    It looked like you were ready to jump all over Larry about how great buy backs are. Care to mention here what you were going to say? I never saw your face go through so many contortions that fast. ;-)


  2. Barry Ritholtz commented on Jul 30

    Hey Stevie —

    I was going to discuss the difference between the free-cash flow driven buybacks like XOM — versus all the other cheap money, borrowing driven buybacks

  3. Becky commented on Jul 30

    I really wanted to hear what you had to say, but I noticed Larry responded even when LizAnn was called on. He’s got his own show! Why does he monopolize others? Thanks for your agenda above!

  4. Stuart commented on Jul 30

    Kudlow monopolizes others to quell opinions and comments he doesn’t want to gaint traction and risk becoming viewed as legitimate. Kudlow has a shill-like driven agenda. He’s very adept at keeping the focus on debate on his viewpoints. He’s amongst the first to shout down and interrupt those he doesn’t want heard or doesn’t agree with. That in reverse is the only real tactic that works against him. People need to have a clear thought they want articulated and do not stop talking until it is all out.

  5. FosterPhinney commented on Jul 30

    oils getting whacked again today. ouch!
    I m buying more.

  6. mhm commented on Jul 30


    If you could, please run a piece on the buyback strategies used recently. The worst I saw was IBM: borrowed money to buy express from institutions with a clause “we’ll pay the difference if it goes up”…

  7. dryfly commented on Jul 30

    I was going to discuss the difference between the free-cash flow driven buybacks like XOM — versus all the other cheap money, borrowing driven buybacks

    Amen brother. Even the free cash flow buybacks ought to be scrutinized to see what else they could be expected to do with the money. You’d think Exxon would be able to find SOMETHING profitable to invest in with oil well over $70/bbl… I mean don’t these guys engineer anything anymore other than their financials?

    Tell Larry we gotta get back to making stuff. Do that well & the financials take care of themselves. You can quote me… ;)

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