Eric Bolling Bolts CNBC’s Fast Money for Fox?

I’ve been hearing rumors that Eric Bolling has left Fast Money for Fox. That has now been confirmed.

That’s really too bad. First, the show had a good chemistry between all the participants, including Bolling. Second, Dylan Ratigan is a pleasure to work with, as is the show’s producer, John. 

TV Newser reported that Bolling showed up on FNC’s Your World with Neil
on Monday.
Additionally, Bolling’s bio on
has been taken down…

Further poking around reveals that the lawyers are now involved. Media Bistro reported that this went to court, and the Admiral got shipwrecked.

"And we’re learning new details about how difficult it was for ‘The
to jump ship. TVNewser has learned that NBC retained Proskauer
Rose, one of the most expensive law firms in Manhattan, to go up against
Bolling. In addition, sources say NBC showed up in court with a team of lawyers
and even got CNBC’s VP of strategic development Susan Krakower
to testify.

Sources say Bolling lost his argument in court, and cannot enter into a
contract until his CNBC non-compete expires. And while his last appearance on
CNBC was August 21, he showed up on Fox News Channel the next day, which means
he may be able allowed to do one-time appearances."

I am not surprised he would lose in court — big tv stations NBC/CNBC have really good lawyers writing their contracts. I can’t imagine they would let someone just walk away.

I thought Eric fit in well with Conan Dylan and the guys . . . I’m surprised after CNBC gave him his tv break like that, he would be so quick to jump ship to Fox. 

I guess we can expect to see a bunch of poaching, with anchors going from Bloomberg to CNBC to Fox.


Also, the NYPost’s page 6 has a story about a cat fight (page 6’s phrase, not mine) amongst the female anchors of CNBC:  NOT ENOUGH HONEY FOR CNBC      

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Discussions found on the web:
  1. John F. commented on Aug 30

    What happened to Tim Strazzini? Can we send Maria to some network nobody needs to watch?

  2. Mike M commented on Aug 30

    So, this is actually paid work? I didn’t think anyone watched that stuff.

  3. Ross commented on Aug 30

    Eric Bolling? Admiral? Who, what, why?
    This somehow affects my investment decisions? This might be fun for some gossip tabloid but who really cares.

  4. GerryL commented on Aug 30

    I think it means that Fox made him an offer he couldnt refuse. Fox is really good at cherry picking their people. Neil Cavuto was the rising star on CNBC when they hired him years ago. It is a good sign for the Fox Business Channel because Bolling was one of the best personalities on CNBC. I am not sure what CNBC is becoming but I know it stopped being a serious business channel a long time ago. I am getting really tired of CNBC and cant wait for the Fox launch on October 15th.

    We should have a contest to see who guesses correctly how long it will take the Fox Business Channel to surpass CNBC in the ratings. It wont take them very long.

  5. Ralph commented on Aug 30

    Great investment advice and gossip? Too good to be true :)

    I did follow Bolling. His advice seemed to be down to earth.

  6. Mike M commented on Aug 30

    I’m waiting for the day that Erin and Maria put on the cheerleading outfits, complete with pom-poms. Goooo Stocks!

  7. Sergey commented on Aug 30

    Bolling was alright…I liked it when he went on the air and panned GOOG because he had a dream about it the night before. That’s what I like from my stock pickers…visions.

  8. km4 commented on Aug 30

    Who the heck cares about these blovilators with their mostly ‘content free’ shows that are imbued with personal subjective biases and rank propaganda.

    These shows ALL pretty much suck why waste time watching unless you’re bored.

  9. mrkcbill commented on Aug 30

    I hope they put Tim Seymour on. DR,Macke and Adami, are all talents– I hope they keep it going- I think its a great show.

  10. Thatguy commented on Aug 30

    Bolling’s explanation of inflation was the most incoherent I’ve ever seen. Absolutely amazing that they had a technician (of all people) explain inflation. I laughed so hard.

  11. Hayduke commented on Aug 30

    Rupert Murdoch believes that CNBC is anti-business. That gives you an idea what to expect from this new channel. When all the criminal activity and negligence by investment banks, lenders, rating agencies, etc., that occured during the past few years comes to light, better change channels away from Faux to find out the truth. Don’t expect Cavuto to dig too deep on those stories.

  12. ndog commented on Aug 30

    damn, i was a big admiral fan. surprised he bailed as I really liked the lineup with these guys. never appreciated Dylan until he took over this show.

  13. ndog commented on Aug 30

    damn, i was a big admiral fan. surprised he bailed as I really liked the lineup with these guys. never appreciated Dylan until he took over this show.

  14. Kp commented on Aug 30

    You mean people actually take Boiling seriously?!?!?

    Seriously? Wow.

  15. commented on Aug 30

    Write-Offs: 08.30.07

    $$$ I just filed a leave from work before burnout strikes. I’m [was] a banker, had been single for quite some time now and would like to unleash my other (wilder) side. Willing to try person of any background as…

  16. babygal commented on Aug 30

    Go Barry! No 4 on the Top Blog List!!!!

  17. Eclectic commented on Aug 30

    -Erin is my objectivologist sweetheart. She’s no GE shill.

    -FOX will make Jack Bouroudjian look like a depressed malcontent.

    -Maria’s last trick was Dr. Benber N. Anke. But, he’s repented I think and won’t get caught any more.

  18. dukeb commented on Aug 30

    CNBC is completely inane. Painful to watch, actually. (And was even worse when they had Cavuto on board, though the Jim Rogers spots were a decent counter-weight.) Well-written financial books and blogs are by far the best way for common folk to increase both their macro and micro intelligence. Television is nothing more than a sci-fi box whose sole purpose is to brainwash viewers into debt enslaved, zombie airheads. Seriously. It used to take chains, arms, killer geography and the like to enslave people; now it’s done with marketing. Brilliant.

  19. bjk commented on Aug 30

    Bolling will be unemployed in six months when this fOx channel bombs. If its anything like the saturday shows, it’s already toast. one sports channel and two stock channels? no.

  20. im1dc commented on Aug 30

    Wait. Bolling was on Fast Money last night and was excellent as usual.

    The entire gang did an ETF mini seminar.

    Excellent stuff.

    I agree with Barry that Fast Money’s chemistry is superb.

    Terrible loss if the Admiral jumped ship.

  21. Norman commented on Aug 30

    Lets hope that Maria The Lisp finds herself at a diction teacher, at least.

  22. Getoutofdodge commented on Aug 30

    This week researchers announced that a storm is coming–the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). “The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one,” she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max

  23. Joe Klein’s conscience commented on Aug 30

    We want more BR on CNBC. Some sane analysis. Murdoch thinks CNBC is anti-business? What channel has he been watching? Was he watching a few weeks ago when the Money Honey was cheering(I’d use a different word .. but I’m trying to keep it clean) when the Dow broke into positive territory after being down 300 earlier in the day? Will Murdoch hire away Kudlow?

  24. Chief Tomahawk commented on Aug 30

    That’s a bummer. Ratigan is a star. His ability and knowledge are second to none. I agree there was good supporting chemistry with the rest of the cast, part of which Bolling was.

    But I think it’s a bad move on Bolling’s part. Why? Ask Michael Hollie, Eric.

    Fox Sports three years ago lured away budding ESPN star Max Kellerman from ESPN’s Around the Horn of which Michael Hollie was one of the star contributing sportswriters. Well, Fox sports cancelled the show after 6 months because the ESPN franchise was just too strong to pry viewers from. Hollie has been back on the Horn as a sub, and is burried on the depth chart and thereby rarely ever gets on.

    Unless CNBC really screws things up, and a show like Fast Money builds a base with their audience and is the direction they need to be going, Fox Business Channel will meet a similar fate. Why? Because they love to coddle business overthere with wildly over optimistic bulls and then superbulls which will work great in a bull market. But that will go really south in a hurry in a major stock market correction as their viewers will question how appropriate their content is for their (aka the small guy’s) interest vs. them selling a bill of goods. In fact I believe this is now plainly visible to anyone who has watched the Saturday morning Business Block, as the permabulls have struggled articulating the words credit crunch.

    [Just a guess, but I bet Rupert Murdoch, on Neil Cavuto’s advice, sent a really pretty gal over to Eric with a contract and Bolling’s thinking became impaired.]

    RATHER, the Fast Money cast should’ve negotiated as a group between CNBC and FBC. Now THAT could’ve worked. And Dylan, you’re the man in the catbird seat!

  25. Mike commented on Aug 30

    You think Bolling did it for the money??? lol I’ve read he makes a supposed $15-$20 million a year.

    He’s just following Liz Claman, Getting off the Titanic before it sinks. Can’t wait to see those two on FBN. They let Liz get away! idiots!

    and to the person that says Fox Biz is going to bomb, hahaha

  26. paul commented on Aug 30

    CNBC is the sewer of Business Reporting

    Barry would you put them on your “best Hamburger list” Or are they somewhere between white tower and arbys?

    The following are quotes from those above:

    “CNBC is becoming but I know it stopped being a serious business channel a long time ago.”

    “Getting off the Titanic before it sinks”

    “Will Murdoch hire away Kudlow?”

    GOD! I hope not – The greatest Story Never Told! Talk about out of date!

    “Bolling will be unemployed in six months when this fOx channel bombs”


    If you have read this far – the most underrated Business News is Blomberg
    They talk about business without personality – I listen to it when I want to know what is happening.

  27. Karl Smith commented on Aug 30

    First off, I think Erin is a bit overrated. She’s good and good looking, don’t get me wrong but some guys talk like she’s Ayn Rand’s brain in Cindy Crawford’s body.

    Also, the thing about CNBC is that so many people have it on all day. It has to have “personality” if thats what we’re calling it these days in order to take 10 straight hours of it.

    Melissa Francis is good but she’s got to tease up the hair. Seriously. Finance guys like big hair. Its a fact.

  28. Linda P. commented on Aug 30

    Eric could never hold up against Jeff Macke.

    Not the sharpest crayon in the box for sure….

    Dylan has done a great job fostering the camaraderie on the show. I agree with mrkcbill, I hope they keep Tim Seymour. Even with the Gordon Gekko look he has going on….


  29. Peter Davis commented on Aug 30

    Maria, Erin and Melissa, oh my! Who cares? Erin Burnett may be the least knowledgeable financial anchor on the air – and that’s saying something. I’m consistently amazed by how little she knows about the market.

    And Maria – the cheerleading permabull? I actually heard her yelp when indices turned green on the big reversal day on the 16th. Forget CNBC and Fox. I watch Bloomberg. They actually care about reporting news. What a novel concept…

  30. andiron commented on Aug 30

    bolling is better appearnce wise..but no doubt, he is the dumbest among the participants. If this guy can trade, trading must be an easy living.

  31. sanjosie commented on Aug 30

    You could see Bolling becoming estranged – er’ Strazzini’ed. He might be too much of an alpha for Dylan’s ego.

    As for”the former” hedge funders, Macke and the receding-hairline guy, if they were so good, why are they former hedge funders?

    Hey Macke, those who can’t do, teach. So much for Edina supremism.

    Go Eric. And Staz’ where are ye’, my fav?

  32. dak commented on Aug 30

    CNBC can do whatever it wants as long as it gets rid of that damn “ILOVEYOU,ILOVEYOU,ILOVEYOU,ILOVEYOU,ILOVEYOU,ILOVEYOU,ILOVEYOU” Mercedes commercial.

  33. Dk commented on Aug 30

    Mark Haynes makes CNBC unbearable, i’ve never seen a more slobby, arrogant, malcontent in my life. Erin is alright if you have the TV muted.

    Jeff Macke is a friggin joke, a 35 yr old Mr. Clean with Thurston Howell III’s speech impediment. Has Fast Money ever once disclosed that Macke’s daddy was the CEO of Target?????? morons-

  34. plantseeds commented on Aug 30

    There are so many things wrong with this thread I don’t no where to begin however I do agree with dak, that Mercedes commercial must go!

  35. rickrude commented on Aug 30

    Posted by: Linda P. | Aug 30, 2007 9:25:20 PM

    Maria, Erin and Melissa, oh my! Who cares? Erin Burnett may be the least knowledgeable financial anchor on the air – and that’s saying something. I’m consistently amazed by how little she knows about the market.

    I really don’t care what you guys?? say,
    every time I’m going through the channels
    and cnbc has the girls on, I stop, esp erin, melissa and becky…. they are hot
    esp compared to the old farts that are on.

  36. No Rate Cuts For You! commented on Aug 31

    Erin is a good-looking and smart with a lot of potential anchor. (Is she having a crush on Cramer?)

    Melissa is a fake blonde, boring, not really intelligent, and annoying. Why is she constantly talking about porn on her show?

    Maria is a spoiled princes but she is doing her job.

    Eric is a nice guy, not too smart but a likeable person.

    Bloomberg TV is good, but I do not like their afternoon hours when that Brian (not too bright lawyer) talks about sports and all other B.S. not related to the markets, while watching Bloomberg you can miss important market moving news.

    I agree, the Mercedes commercial is very annoying, making me to switch the channels (and hate their cars). There is another extremely annoying commercial, arrogant with grandiose ideations dude on the helicopter with loud music – Scottrade.

  37. Mike commented on Aug 31

    Erin is overexposed and overrated. Plus she has the body of a 13 year old boy. CNBC and the media is trying to ram Erin down our throats like CNN is doing with Anderson Cooper. No thanks! I’ll turn over to Fox Biz and see real women with curves, smarts and personality in Alexis Glick, Rebecca Gomez and hopefully Liz Claman. The only reason CNBC had me as a loyal viewer was Liz and they screwed that up too!

  38. Mike commented on Aug 31

    That’s too bad! I think the chemistry was good. If I thought FBC was going to be a real business channel for investors vs business flavored infotainment I’d be thrilled that Bolling was going there. Hire them all and do Fast Money from FBC. But anything I’ve ever read about FBC says it is going to be more “entertainment”. What the hell is that? I want Fast Money. I want Mad Money-like shows (although with someone sane!). I actually like the laid back Bloomberg style, I just hate that it is the CNN Headline news of business. Watch 15 minutes and turn the channel. Now if FBC brings back something along the lines of a Louis Rukeyser, THAT would be great. Give it to Consuela Mack. She’s in the delta quadrant now I think. :) Or give it to Liz Clamen. Oh, and PLEASE, PLEASE have ample guest spots with Liz Ann Sonders. Smart, hot, articulate, what’s not to like? I’m feeling a void ever since the restraining order.

    Pimm Fox’s show is very good, but Kudlow’s got he best real investor’s show out there. He’ll actually talk about TIPS spreads and PCE deflators, the carry trade etc. I like Cavuto, but he doesn’t even want his guys getting into rising/falling dollar talk!! WTF.

    I used to like the Fox Saturday shows until I noticed (or they changed?) that they had VERY little investing news. Stocks are talked about on the LAST segment only for the most part.

    I work for a living so I don’t get to watch the 9-5 hours of CNBC. Big Idea is different and good (now). Fast Money is great. The Fast Money college show is jumping the shark. Somebody needs to start focusing on commodities since we are in the beginning of a 10 year run (so says Jim Rogers). Too complicated? Educate us!

    Just out of curiosity, what do you people think FBC will be and why? I’ve said it’ll be “infotainment” because that’s all I read when it was announced. Has anyone read anything different?

  39. MarkTX commented on Aug 31

    What a Loss….

    debating CNBC v. FBC

    CRAP all around…

  40. Peter D commented on Aug 31

    CNBC USA is based on two platforms:

    1. Who can scream the loudest
    2. Who’s the smartest smart arse

    Forget about it as a source of good investment advice.

    The contrived jousting between Haynes and Burnett is particularly nauseating.

    Ratigan – the Jibber Jabber man, anything else?

    Kudlow and Cramer – barf time.

    CNBC Europe and Asia both offer much better fare.

    Bloomberg USA and Business News Network out of Toronto are easily the best all round business news networks

  41. PegofLI commented on Aug 31

    for some over at the nymex, money is mostly made by owning a seat or two or three. run the orders, hold onto the seat.

  42. No Rate Cuts For You! commented on Aug 31

    Mike: “I’ll turn over to Fox Biz and see real women with curves”

    Erin is hot and she has plenty of curves for most of us. Simply because you like fat women with big tokhes, it does not mean that Erin is not hot.

  43. Kevin commented on Aug 31

    Peter D is exactly right ..

    My favorite Bolling line was when he saw a clip of himself and said “I think I am wearing the same shirt tonight as in that clip” Riviting television…

  44. John commented on Aug 31

    The sentiment here towards CNBC as a legitimate source of accurate business news seems pretty much unanimous. They are there to put the most positive spin towards the Markets they can summon up, because no one wants to continually watch bad news– this ultimately affects their ratings…
    Personally I can’t stand any of them. It amazes me how often you here them, and the analysts they find to bring on, complain about all “the Negativity out there in the media” on the Economy, Stock Market and Housing.
    They’re Joking Right???
    That’s why I refer to them as CNBS.

  45. jake commented on Aug 31


  46. jb commented on Aug 31

    Thursday’s Fast Money was awful. Derogatory humor about the countries they mentioned. I can no longer watch a channel with hosts like Cramer and a gang of bigots.

  47. T Henderson commented on Aug 31

    Liz Ann Sonders is an idiot.

  48. Aaron commented on Aug 31

    Wonder if Strazzini will also show up on Fox? He was always my favorite from the Fast Money show. I think he was a little too laid back for their taste. Fox and CNBC certainly aren’t getting off to a good start, looks like a rivalry in the making.

  49. Mike commented on Aug 31

    No Rate Cuts For You!

    Who is fat that you are talking about?

    Alexis Glick, Rebecca Gomez and Liz Claman

    Those were the 3 I mentioned.

    I never said Erin wasn’t hot but i’m sorry, that girl along with Becky have no curves, 13 year old boy bodies if you’re into that.

  50. Steve C commented on Aug 31

    Ever since I stopped watching ALL financial shows my total return has increased. The average investor can do very well by processing information himself from data, blogs, articles on the internet and other periodicals and omitting all TV viewing that provides any so called financial “information”.

  51. Missy commented on Aug 31

    Everyone seems to be leaving CNBC. Liz, now Eric. Who else is missing?

  52. King Kong commented on Aug 31

    Eric Bolling…I know him personally he’s an ass…A big meathead hired to hold people up in the pit morphed over the years into a “energy trader” Now TV star…what a joke. Tangling ass with Susan Krakower, big mistake burning that bridge….So typical of him, idiot. Fox is simply latching onto people like him and that other comlete idiot Cody Willard because they deliver the simple drivel and (I guess) good looks that the Fox audience wants….Look at their femnale line up…Now liz Clayman she is sharp so I guess every once in awhile they dip into the actual intelligence pool Alexis GLick is probably the only one who has both looks and brains. Bolling will end up being exposed for the moron he is and his ego will be his undoing, probably already has. What a jerk off

  53. Momo Fader commented on Aug 31

    Erin is decidedly not HOT. Those nostrils … those nostrils. UGLY!

    She’s also decidedly more daft than Maria, which is quite an accomplishment.

    Melissa shows a spark of intelligence from time to time, but I guess they never taught her critical thought at Harvard.

    Becky is the best of the bunch in every way. And that’s damning with faint praise.

  54. CommoditiesTrader commented on Aug 31

    I agree with Missy. Eric Bolling is a clown, can’t believe they gave him a TV show. and to the person who laughed at his explanation of inflation… I agree… the guy has no clue.

    Becky is definitely pretty good amongst the pack. Eric seems like she could fit in on Fast Money since they are all kind of clowns.

    The only one who really knows what is going on is Cramer, but he lets his ‘tv personality’ take over a little too much.

  55. Eric commented on Sep 1

    Barry, Barry, Barry
    The reason I left Fast Money was to spend more time with my family. As you know, we taped that show into the evening. I traded all day and taped Fast Money until 7 or later every night. My 8 yr old was getting pretty tired of that schedule. As for the comment about CNBC giving me my big “break”…. I am a trader, not a tv host. My big break came 21 years ago when I walked on the trading floor with a resume and an empty bank account and someone hired me as a clerk…..
    I do, however, think you would be a nice addition to that show.

  56. rickrude commented on Sep 1

    Posted by: King Kong | Aug 31, 2007 6:30:02 PM

    Erin is decidedly not HOT. Those nostrils “… those nostrils. UGLY!

    She’s also decidedly more daft than Maria, which is quite an accomplishment.

    Melissa shows a spark of intelligence from time to time, but I guess they never taught her critical thought at Harvard.

    Becky is the best of the bunch in every way. And that’s damning with faint praise.”
    come on , why so picky?? I’d make out with any of those gals any time , anywhere.
    for all the crap that is on cnbc, the girls are a treat.

  57. Kurt commented on Sep 1

    Good choice Eric. I can’t imagine spending every week night doing extra work for an immaterial amount of money. How about doing some blogging though?

    Anyone that actually watches CNBC all day can’t really be trading — the network is far too distracting and provides no useful information that you can’t get elsewhere faster and without all the nonsense.

  58. Mike commented on Sep 1

    To all the people saying that Bolling is an idiot – the market says otherwise and there is no better judge, is there? The guy started at some low level position after a short pro baseball career and is now a major trader worth millions (and as the CNBC ticker says “Is one of the largest nat gas traders”). So is it your contention that any boob can trade commodities and just sit back and rake it in? Had I only known!!

    I hope Fox uses him to focus on commodities more than they (or anyone) has been in the past. Fox has had Jim Rogers on periodically but they really don’t scratch the surface. I can see why a guy making millions trading doesn’t want to spend every night doing a tv show. I mean, in the end, why are you working? What’s it all for? For your family.

  59. Barry Ritholtz commented on Sep 2

    Hey Eric,

    Thanks for the kind words and for commenting.

    Note I did not write “Big” break — I wrote “TV” break!

    My slant had more to do with the “poaching,” as we have seen a food chain of sorts, with anchors going from Bloomberg (who pays poorly) to CNBC (which has parent co. GE keeoing a close eye on costs) to Fox (where Murdoch has shown he is willing to overpay for assets).

    Anyway, good luck in the new space — we have seen the pressure of TV place plenty of tough demands families and marraiges . . .

  60. Steve commented on Sep 2

    After Jeff Macke went out of his way to trash Apple the last few minutes of the show just a couple of Fridays ago, I realized then these guys are there with their own motivations.

    Sorry to Bolling go, but he will not be missed by me. I refuse to watch any longer.

  61. David commented on Sep 2

    Hey Eric,

    Maybe you can help us to figure out what the heck is going on NYNEX…

    Looks like cornering the market…

    A letter to Mr. James Newsome, CEO NYMEX/COMEX

    Dear Sir,

    I am quite concerned with a situation that has been going on for rather a long time on the COMEX. The situation is an extreme concentration of silver futures contracts (net short) being held by four or fewer traders. My concern comes from weekly examination of the COT report put out by the CFTC.

    I am not attempting to in any way interpret any COT report. I am merely stating what the report itself says.

    As an example, the 31 July 2007 COT for silver states that 4 or less traders are net short 265,552,000 troy ounces of silver.

    This an enormous amount of silver and dwarfs the amount of concentration found in a COT report for any other commodity. This huge amount is equivalent to over 150 days of silver production for the entire planet. Whether one, two, three or four entities are short over 50,000 silver contracts, what possible commercial purpose could such a position have except to attempt to manipulate the price level of silver far below the price it would have in the absence of such a concentrated short position. This amount almost equals the entire silver inventories of the COMEX and silver ETF combined. I know of no other market where the net concentrated short position, held by four or less traders is greater than 150 days of global production of a commodity.

    I’m sure if four or less traders attempted to accumulate over 50,000 contracts net long that the CFTC would have put a stop to it long ago as an obvious attempt to manipulate the price level of silver far above the price it would have in the absence of such a concentrated long position. If the Hunt brothers had tried their shenanigans on the short side rather than on the long side, would regulators have looked the other way? I don’t think so. Perhaps it is who the holders are rather than what they are holding or why. That would indicate that regulatory officials regard certain entities as above the law. I sincerely hope that is not the case. That is the sort of thinking that led to President Nixon having to resign in disgrace.

    As a citizen, taxpayer and voter, I am asking for a reply from you specifically addressing the following questions:

    1. Do you think it is proper that the identity or identities of the four or less traders should be withheld from public scrutiny when a prima facie case of market manipulation could be made based on the COT reports issued by the CFTC?

    2. If you think that the net short position of over 50,000 contracts, equivalent to over 150 days of silver production for the entire planet, by four or less traders is not evidence of manipulation, how large a position would it take to indicate manipulation?

    3. Are you aware of any markets where the net concentrated short position, held by four or less traders, is greater than 150 days of global production?

    4. What possible commercial purpose could such an extremely concentrated short position have except to attempt to manipulate the price level of silver far below the price it would have in the absence of such a concentrated short position?

    5. What do you, in your official position, having been made aware of this extreme concentration of silver futures contracts (net short) being held by four or fewer traders, based on official CFTC reports, going to do about it?

    6. If you, in your official position, having been made aware of this extraordinary situation, feel it is unnecessary to take any sort of corrective action, are you willing to accept the publicity and consequences that may result if, in the future, a case for attempted manipulation is proven in a court of law?

    I await you reply and thank you for your time and consideration.



  62. howard gold commented on Sep 3

    Eric thank you for your time sincerely howard gold I liked your advise and wish you the best you spoke true ala cramer youve given me some good ideas and have made me some money thax again sincerly Howard Gold

  63. howard gold commented on Sep 3

    eric great call on goog at 511 I rode it all the way on leaps to 530 good luck in the future howard gold

  64. john commented on Sep 3

    Forget about your snide comments on Bolling. He is good on the trends in the futures market.The real dork that needs a pink slip is Jeff Macke. This guy is constantly wise-cracking on every subject as his feeble attempt at humour.The guy should be on the gong show as a frustrated comic.

  65. Snooky commented on Sep 3

    I’ll miss taking the OTHER-side of some of his trades…..$35 crack spreads? Sold to all of you….

  66. Specious Argument commented on Sep 4

    Karen Finerman Replaces Eric Bolling On Fast Money

    One of my favorite investment television shows CNBC’s Fast Money has lost a valuable contributor Eric Bolling. Bolling’s departure has been reported in media, including weblogs such as The Big Picture. I saw on CNBC today that Karen Finerman has…

  67. hinem commented on Sep 4

    I like FM and will truly miss eric Bolling….most other comments and crap

  68. Jason commented on Sep 4

    I’m amazed at how little the majority of posters here actually know about the business, the market, and the networks. Get a life.

  69. Trading Goddess commented on Sep 4


    “I am a trader, not a tv host.”

    Does that mean you will not be going to Fox?

  70. hueristix commented on Sep 4

    Fast Money is fun, but Bloomberg is the serious content for serious money makers. I think the chairwoman will bring a new and still good chemistry.

    Bolling is fairly on with most trends but my problem he does not care for the future of the Earth or believe in the powerful economic reality that is forming with alternative energy sources and instead pushes only coal, nuclear, and oil. His idealogy is actually perfect for Faux.

    Some of us that are very serious about making money, want the planet to be habitable in order to continue to make money within.

    Bloomberg is serious information. Between CNBC and Fox, we are headed to an “idiocracy”

  71. Mike commented on Sep 4

    hueristix is what you call a left wing kook.

    What normal person calls Fox, Faux?

  72. Dr. Joel Prince commented on Sep 4

    Eric Bolling is a mover and shaker and figures to move up the ladder. I don’t blame him one bit for making the move. Every time Eric would speak up or bring up a chart or news, which I am interested in hearing, big mouth Dylan Ratigan would interrupt and Eric would be over ridden. So here is a chance for Bolling to express his expertise without interruption and to further his career. Watch Fox take off with a Financial Show to outdo CNBC.

  73. Mary Simmons commented on Sep 4

    I have been writing to CNBC for months regarding their move towards entertainment television over intelligent content. Eric Bolling and Tim Strazzini were the best for content. Guy, Jeff and Pete are also good, but Eric and Tim brought a deeper, more comprehensive analysis of the topics discussed. No one was better at analyzing the energy and materials sectors than Eric. I have to wonder why the best and brightest are leaving the network. All day, CNBC is flooded with commercials, an Infomercial rather than a serious business program. All smart investors will migrate to any channel which gives better content. Maybe if all their viewers tune-out, they will get serious and stop feeding us “idiot TV”. We have 40-50 other stations that do that, Lou Dobbs, CNN, 6:00pm excepted.

  74. honesttjohn commented on Sep 4

    Does anyone know if Fox’s business channel will be carried on Sirius or XM. I assume the providers like DirecTV will run it.


  75. Barry Miller commented on Sep 5

    Eric was one of the best commentators on FM. He made the show what it is today. I hope he doesn’t go to Fox, they are the worst, he would be taking ten steps back. Eric is a excellent analyst and chartist. Jeff M. and Guy A. are also very Very good.
    To NBC, Get Eric Back.

  76. John commented on Sep 5

    Bolling is the best. Hope he comes back on TV, bigger and better than ever! My portfolio needs him.

  77. Louis commented on Sep 5

    I am a fan of CNBC and OTM and FM. I was saddened by Strazzini’s departure… but I got used to FM again. I like what “The Pit Boss” has brought to FM. Adami & Mackee have not been bad at all. Never cared for Bolling – he’s such a blow hard, whose EFT’s have been marginal at best. His advice/strategy is usually stating the obvious – so is it really advice? The real talent is Dylan Ratigan. He is a great financial host, but I am concerned FM will be canceled. FOX will take over CNBC in the ratings. Did anyone hear? Murdock bought the Dow Jones. What that tells you?

  78. zig commented on Sep 5

    My issue with cnbc is the repetitive commercials. The Mercedes spot makes me want to smash the tv and never buy the car ever. Victoria Principle? Jessica Simpson? Are you kidding me?
    Maybe cnbc brass should watch from 9 to 4 and get a dose of the pain themselves.

    I cant believe Haines is still on. I cringe every time he says ‘live’ when he comes on in the am and stretches it for 10 seconds.

    Best show was Fast Money, now they went and lost the 2 guys I wanted to hear from. And Najarian? Guy could not even pronounce Rupee!!

  79. Tim commented on Sep 5

    I’ve watched FM almost since it’s beginning. Eric Bolling’s opinions on the energy sector were one of the main reasons. Anyone remember “Crack Spread”. You just aren’t going to commonly get that kind of insight. I look forward to watching him again wherever and whenever he turns up.

  80. Don H commented on Sep 5

    It is hard for me to believe that anyone thinks Dylan Ratigan has talent. To me he is the Pat O’Brien of financial television. He is as annoying as a Mercedes commercial. The only reason I watched FM was for Eric Bolling’s comments. He made good points even though I didn’t always agree with him. Jeff Macke’s rotting soul is difficult to take, as are his thoughts. He pronounced Zumiez as “Zumy-ez” for months and he is supposed to be a retail expert. Apparently, he has never visited a store or called the company. It is pronounced “Zoom-eze”, Jeff. Guy Adami comes across as Dylan Ratigan’s lap dog. All in all, FM is a waste of time! The premise on the show, i.e. “Fast Money”, is misleading at best. I hope Rupert Murdoch hires Dylan “in other words” Ratigan. Liz was the best and I think Erin and Becky are talented and fun to watch. Ron Insana was the only brilliant financial reporter in the business and has, unfortunately, for viewers, moved on too.

  81. The Big Picture commented on Sep 6

    Bolling on Bolling (the Admiral)

    Last week, we noted that Eric Bolling — the Admiral — had bolted CNBC’s Fast Money for Fox. Eric reached out to me to correct some of the commentary at that post. In fairness to him, I offered TBP as a forum for him to tell his side of the story. In …

  82. Guyinga commented on Sep 6

    I watched FM quite a bit in August and during their ‘seminar-week’ about ETFs, specific sectors, and other countries, but not so much now. Eric I felt had some actual analysis and explanations rather than the almost ‘buy this stock/sell this stock’ that the other traders (except for Jeff Macke) seem to take. Doesn’t mean he’s not wrong sometimes on certain things however. His take on ethanol I want to agree with, but I also know he could be wrong.

    Still, I’d rather to turn to Pimm Fox or any of the anchors on Bloomberg than anyone on CNBC right now. I feel like half the time, the people on CNBC are talking about companies/stocks because they have a friend who’s trying to make money on it, not to enlighten any potential investors.

  83. mahdi commented on Sep 8…

  84. john commented on Sep 11

    I liked Eric best of all…… It’s not at all the same for me. I get the feeling from Pete that he’s promoting or dissing stocks that he’s got options on. Adami and Eric had the best advice in my opinion.

  85. Kyle commented on Sep 13

    Eric was the best, period!!!

  86. MSpears commented on Sep 14

    I can’t wait for FBN !!!

  87. MSpears commented on Sep 14

    I can’t wait for FBN !!!

  88. Joana commented on Sep 16

    Eric Bolling is great and I miss him. Ratigan jabbers and I feel he has a mouth full, do not like him on Closing Bell. Maria is great, smart and has all the tools. Would love to see Maria and Eric together on Fox.

  89. traderrich commented on Sep 20

    I worked with Eric Bolling until recently. Two things are undenyable. 1)He worked ridiculously hard on research for that show.
    Put his trading second during the time he spent on Fast Money. 2)He hated coming home so late (after a full trading day)at night to his son. You may hate him or love him, but, he tells it like it is. I doubt he will go to Fox and put in 13 hour days again.

  90. ticker commented on Sep 20


  91. Lyle Allen commented on Sep 21

    Too bad EB didn’t simply wait it out and renegotiate a contract thru the WSJ when they get acquired by FOX.

    Tim Seymour will be good, but I’ll me EB.

    lma, Durham, NC

  92. clair hinton commented on Sep 29


  93. brother bill commented on Nov 1

    The Ambassador (Tim Seymour) is one of the few on the show who is not always cheerleading… We need more of this. EM are mor eintersting than US markets anyway…

  94. Trader Bogie commented on Nov 18

    It’s official, Eric Bolling is on Fox Business, Bulls & Bears. Eric appeared on the show Nov. 17, 2007 show, and gave the following stock picks: ETR, EWZ, DVY, PID, SLW. The show airs Saturday on Box New Cable at 10:00 AM Eastern Time, and Fox Business Tuesday at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Nice to see you again Eric, now go and kick CNBC’s A_ _!

  95. cheryl commented on Jan 11

    fm is a great show i enjoy the energy. you guys just dont get change i miss tim were did he go pete took so getting used to but the rest of the guys are great and dylan runs the show long live fm and happy one year b day

  96. Evan Harris commented on Jan 24

    Watch Eric’s last show with CNBC Fast Money when he rightfully exposed the global warming fraud along with opportunistic “investments” being foisted on the listening public. He is right , the rest of the Fast Money panel , is wrong. G. E. which owns the network , is heavily invested in alternative energy.

  97. zoe commented on Feb 15

    Agree with Cheryl above, and I’ve been an avid FM watcher since its get-go. At long last, I’m getting a better appreciation for Pete N, but I admit I still miss Strazzini. Was never a big fan of Bolling’s per se, but to each their own. Like the others a great deal, and the show continues to find its strengths, continuing to develop one year+ in. The addition of Karen Finerman has been an excellent move…even though she doesn’t get/demand a lot of the credit and respect she deserves. Curious to know if she’s brought any female viewers/investors with her since her replacing Bolling…she’s obviously the most prepared ‘homework-wise’ of any of the FM contributors, now or in the past. And while I have nothing against Tim Seymour and his EM reports, Carter Worth would be a tremendous asset as a regular ‘rotation’ person, too.

  98. Foxfan commented on Feb 17

    Eric has ben on Foxs Bulls and Bears lately. He called silver and platinum weeks ago. He came up with another one this week but I cant remember which metal he likes now.

  99. jklslk commented on Mar 14

    Can’t believe someone would laugh at Bolling or any of the guys on the Fast Money show! To me result says everything! Any idea how much those guys make? I mean if someone makes tens of millions dollars a year from trading, not mentioning making up 5% of crude or Natural Gas flow on nymex, chee…I’d listen…too bad he left the show.

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