Blade_runner_5_2That’s right kids, its coming:  The preview of the Final Cut is Saturday Night, 9pm, at the THE 45th NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL (full schedule here).

Here’s the official blurb:

“Blade Runner: The Final Cut Series: The 45th New York Film Festival [Sep 28 – Oct 14 2007]
Director: Ridley Scott, Country: USA, Release: 2007, Runtime: 118

Ridley Scott’s legendary adaptation of Phillip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? gave us a startling vision of a noir-ishly dystopic future, in which the line between human and non-human has worn perilously thin.

Scott’s masterpiece not only anticipated our future but designed it: Much of our world today appears, well, just so Blade Runner. To commemorate its 25th anniversary, Scott has gone back, corrected a few details and fashioned a version that he feels is closest to what he had originally intended.

One of the greatest American films of the Eighties has just gotten even better.
(A Warner Bros. release.)

In addition to screening Blade Runner: The Final Cut, our 25th anniversary salute to this key work of science fiction includes “The Future Is Now,” a panel discussion with prominent film scholars.”

I also see that one of the screenings is taking place at the single best movie theater on the planet: The Ziegfeld (141 West 54th Street).

Very very cool.

As we noted previously, the 5 DVD disc  Blade Runner set is to follow next year. I am not sure if there will be a wider theatrical release, but one can hope.



Blade Runner: The Final Cut
The 45th New York Film Festival
Sep 29 – Oct 14 2007

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Aaron Byrnes commented on Sep 28

    If you talk to anyone involved in Blade Runner or its distribution, tell them we, in that area located between LA and NYC, also want to see it in a theater (NOT on a tv).

  2. vikas commented on Sep 28

    A high def release of DVD is what I have been waiting for to finally buy a 56″ LCD screen. excellent

  3. speedlet commented on Sep 28

    Seriously, how many Directors’ Cuts, commemorative cuts, special editions, etc. can they offer? I’m a fan, but even I am getting tired of it.

  4. alexd commented on Sep 29

    The Final Cut. That means I can go back to the colonies where I belong.

    For all you who where worried about premature decrepitude: We Nexus 7 have no expiration date.

    As the joke goes it’s easy to make a trillion dollars in the markets. It’s getting through the first 300 years that is
    the hard part.

  5. Pool Shark commented on Sep 29


    Interesting to see that your taste in film is the same as your taste in economics and finance:

    “Gritty reality exposing the seemly aspects of the system that are usually screened from the masses by their paternalistic main stream media channels.”

    I’ll bet you like David Lynch too. ;-)

  6. Me commented on Sep 29

    WHO CARES!!!!

  7. dari commented on Oct 6

    Just caught the 1pm showing. Thankfully Scott has not changed much. He has really just focused on removing plot incontinuities. And the new print looks beautiful

  8. The Big Picture commented on Oct 11

    Blade Runner: The Final Cut at the Ziegfeld

    I am going this evening to see my favorite sci-fi movie at my favorite movie theater with my favorite movie buddy. I’ll update this later . . .

  9. The Big Picture commented on Oct 11

    Blade Runner: The Final Cut at the Ziegfeld

    I am going this evening to see my favorite sci-fi movie at my favorite movie theater with my favorite movie buddy. I’ll update this later . . .

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