Web Trend Map 2007 Version 2.0

Way cool: The 200 most successful websites on the web, ordered by category, proximity, success, popularity and perspective: 


Larger version: WebTrends_2007_2_1600x1024.gif

via Information Architects

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  1. Pool Shark commented on Sep 11

    Looks just like a map of British Rail to me.

  2. Tim commented on Sep 11

    Yeah, but is the No. 1 train a local past the 96th street stop? ;)

  3. VJ commented on Sep 11

    No Longer Have Poole To Kick Around

    (SEP 10) – William Poole, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, will retire in March of 2008. Poole was named president in March 1998, and is currently a voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee, the group that includes Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke that sets interest rate policy in the United States. Poole had been expected to retire next year.

    Poole’s remarks last month that the Fed wouldn’t need to intervene in the stock market short of a calamity ruffled feathers on Wall Street and on Capitol Hill. Sen. Kent Conrad, (D-ND), said the remarks were reckless and called on Poole to resign.

  4. Ross commented on Sep 11

    Off subject but I saw an article on Bloomies regarding a hedge fund manager called Pirate Capital and its hedge funds Jolly Roger. FINALLY. Truth in advertising. An honest man at last!

  5. Florida commented on Sep 11

    They must have eliminated all the prawn sites from consideration for that map.

  6. Jessica commented on Sep 11

    It sure looks like the Tokyo train/subway system to me too, but it does seem to be missing the private line I used to ride from Gotanda or Meguro.

  7. lauteus commented on Sep 11

    Tokyo… no doubt about it

  8. Barry Ritholtz commented on Sep 11

    Tokyo: If you click on the source link, you will see this is indeed Tokyo’s subway system.

    The author’s write:

    The original raster (Tokyo metro map) has been substantially modified to fit the needs of an Internet Trend Map.

    Less Japanese Jokes: There are less insider jokes about the different stations and more consistency between the connections and the neighborhoods of the different sites. Still, people who know Tokyo will find lots of little hints and sarcastic comments hidden in there.

    Some interesting things to note
    Google has moved from Shibuya, a humming place for young people, to Shinjuku, a suspicious, messy, Yakuza-controlled, but still pretty cool place to hang out (cf. Golden Gai).

    YouTube has conquered Shibuya.
    Microsoft has moved to Ikebukuro, if you know what I mean.

    Yahoo is in Ueno – a nice place, but nothing going on there.

    Wikipedia is now in Shimbashi, the place for square and hard-headed salarymen – a bit like the Wikipedia watchdogs.

    The Chinese line runs parallel to the “Sharing line”, which starts with the main pirates…

    Paper info designer Edward Tufte is directly below the Federated Media, right before joining with the interactive information design circle at a 90 degree angle.
    “You” are in the Emperor’s palace, at the center of the network.

  9. wunsacon commented on Sep 11

    Poole gone with those kinds of comments/justifications? “OMG” now means “Oh my gold!”

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