The WSJ Book Index

While the NYT may be ignoring Business Books, the WSJ is not: Here is their list of the top 10 Business books, from their Business Book Index (see below):

  1. The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan
  2. Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
  3. StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath   
  4. Good to Great by Jim

  5. Women & Money by Suze
  6. Basic Black by Cathie
  7. Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life by Donald J. Trump
  8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert
    T. Kiyosaki
  9. The Tipping Point by Malcolm
  10. Getting Things Done by David Allen   



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  1. bucky katt commented on Dec 1

    I’ve read a few of those listed in the past few weeks, the 4 hour work week included.
    The 4 hour work week sounds good on paper, but I don’t think it will work in the real world, after having run several corps in the past. Worth the read though.

  2. KirkH commented on Dec 1

    The Ten Day MBA is pretty good. If Greenspan wrote that book after his Fed tenure it might be interesting.

    Oh and they forgot “Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust – And How You Can Profit from It: How to Build Wealth in Today’s Expanding Real Estate Market”

  3. tyoung commented on Dec 1

    This is a best sellers list not the top 10 business books.


    BR:: Top as in top selling, not top rated. Sorry for the ambiguity.

  4. Christopher B. Copeland commented on Dec 1

    I was intrigued with this list until I saw Robert T. Kiyosaki, scam artist extraordinaire included. Then I, like others, realized it was a “bestseller” list, not a best book list. I now assume that a 4-hour work week and kicking ass in business is as simple and non-existent as making easy “cash flow.”

  5. Barry Ritholtz commented on Dec 1

    What’s Kiyosaki’s deal? I know nothing of him . . .

  6. PAC commented on Dec 2

    How does that cliche on business books go? If you want to make money, write a book about making money?

    Anyway, what an awful list, perfect for suckers and full of frauds no less.

    Regarding Kiyosaki:

    And Ferriss:

    Can we have the top 10 business books from the FT or The Economist?

  7. london commented on Dec 2

    I think I need help. I also think that a book won’t help me.

  8. MAS (Seattle) commented on Dec 2

    I find it interesting how so many people go out of their way to prove Ferris is cheating the system. The thesis of his book is to look for loopholes and exploit them.

    He openly discusses how he won a martial arts tournament by pushing his opponents out of the ring and using severe dehydration to get himself into a low weight class.

    Why are people shocked when they discover 18 suspect book reviews praising him on Amazon?

    If Barry wrote a book, he could attempt the same feat easily with The Big Picture audience. Tell thousands of readers to write an Amazon review. The majority will favorable, cause they like Barry. Thats not cheating, it’s gaming the system.

  9. tom pitts commented on Dec 2

    anyone read timothy sykes book an american hedge fund? i was thinking about putting it on my xmas list.

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