The Housing Debate: Bull vs. Bears

If you missed the Real Estate Connect NYC 2008 debate on the impact of Housing last week, it is now available online. (Broadband suggested).

What's been said:

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  1. v commented on Jan 14

    OT: Sorry to ask this again, but is Infectious Greed down for anyone else?

  2. Ross commented on Jan 14

    Another OT: 3 month Libor rates are crashing. Looks like the liquidity crisis is over. I guess we now await the solvency crisis.

  3. v commented on Jan 14

    I guess everyone went home early today. In that case maybe I can go off topic again.

    OT again: What do people here think about Zecco? Is it a decent brokerage for the amateur medium-term investor/trader (i.e. ~50k, ~10 trades a month)? Or is there a better alternative others use?

    Thanks in advance.

    And BR, I don’t want this comment to seem like a Zecco advert, so please feel free to pull/delete it. No qualms from me.

  4. v commented on Jan 14

    Finally viewed the video. Simply some great points, especially from BR and the Professor. Way to go Bar! And, mucho, mucho thanks for posting the video!

  5. kd commented on Jan 14

    Thanks for the vid, I don’t mean to be disrespectful but that woman’s points sound like the diatribe that middle class unknowledgeable nobodies spew.

  6. drey commented on Jan 14

    Home prices don’t go to zero except for love canal and Detroit? Good one.

  7. Eric Davis commented on Jan 15

    Constructive criticism,

    You would get more T.V. Time if you used your one liners more aggressively, on T.V.

    The ADD affect of T.V. means that 2 minute setups aren’t possible, If you prep-ed yourself more like a politician, for some quick 10-30 second one liners. You would get more exposure for your Company….

    With the Usual suspects.

    To be direct, your longer setups work in person, but don’t translate on T.V.

  8. lunatic fringe commented on Jan 15

    Sheesh, I don’t mean to kick anyone when they’re down but that woman was all over the board. I loved it when she would preface her comments with “Nobody really knows but I think…” This is really someone we should be taking advice from to go out and purchase a home right now?

    BR, you were awesome. Loved the other superbear but wished I could have understood Roubini better, his accent is a real bitch.

  9. Anon commented on Jan 15

    If you listen to her comments and assume she is bearish instead of bullish her arguments make much more sense.

  10. Pete Highland commented on Jan 18

    The lone Bull in this debate was all over the place with her arguments. Granted, she did not have the easy side of the issue, but she seemed to jump around a bit before getting to her point.

    The other three gentlemen stated exactly what I’ve been hearing and tend to believe.

    The five stage analogy was pretty spot on regarding the psychology of housing market. He also used Cramer and the stock market as a good example to illustrate his point. And yes, we need a recession. I’ve had enough of this crap about bailouts and proposals of short term stimulus to prop up the economy. It’s only going to cause more problems, but that’s politics I guess.

    The comment by the San Francisco agent interest me. It is true that San Francisco has not seen a dramatic change in prices so far. However, I checked out a few open houses in the upper Haight area in S.F. last week, and all of the realtors begrudgingly told me that things have definitely slowed. One agent said that two potential buyers could not purchase the home she was showing because the bank required them to put down more then 10%. Other places I visited had been sitting on the market for close to a year without much acitivity. The days of multiple offers appears to be a thing of the past for the most part. In addition, if California suffers a deep recession (which I think will happen), San Francisco will not be immune from falling housing prices.

    Further, other areas within the bay area have already seen some dramatic drops in prices, which will inevitably drag down the prices within San Francisco. I think it’s only a matter of time.

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