Big Picture Demographic Survey

UPDATE: February 27, 2008 2:00 pm

The Survey is done — thank you for all your assistance in doing this! I will get something up on this later this week.


As previously discussed, here is the marketing survey so favored by advertisers.

While this asks for a variety of personal details, it is a totally anonymous survey — you do not provide a name, or an email address, or an IP address.

Have at it!


What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Michael Donnelly commented on Feb 27

    Cash in Barry, if you can’t what hope to the rest of us have?

  2. Scott commented on Feb 27

    Barry, Unless I missed it in the survey you missed a HUGE option for employment/position; I.E. Self employed, entrepreneur.

  3. scorpio commented on Feb 27

    i didnt see “gadfly” on the job descriptions. in all other respects, completed truthfully.

  4. Barry Ritholtz commented on Feb 27

    Damn! Good catch —

    Its a standard form via the ad guys — I had them ad Banking-Finance (which is kinda ambiguous).

    I’ll see if we can change that — for now, use “other” for Self employed/entrepreneur.

  5. Stop Loss commented on Feb 27

    Hi Barry would u disclose any geographical/social/economic breakdown of your survey?

  6. Erin commented on Feb 27

    Barry feel free to upgrade the site but please don’t try to fool us about your motives for doing so.

  7. Barry Ritholtz commented on Feb 27


    Yes, I have been very crafty about my motivations, using these transparent excuses:

    -Monetizing the traffic
    -Promoting FusionIQ
    -Making the site more functional

    Now that you have caught me red-handed, what do you think my true motivation is?

  8. Barley commented on Feb 27

    Done. A few tidbits might be: 1. Numer of working members in the household; 2. Do you purchase goods/services online; 3. Approximate numer of airline trips per year; 4. % Business travel vs Personal

    Are you considering SEO overlay?

  9. xxx commented on Feb 27

    Sign of recession: everyone is trying to ‘tart’ up their websites….

  10. B.B. commented on Feb 27

    Not bad BR,

    I shoulda read the comments first. I put CEO/president/ etc…owner. Since I am self employed… and did fudge on year born by 2 years… never feel comfortable about that one. Good luck buddy.

  11. Shanps commented on Feb 27

    what do you think my true motivation is?

    world domination?

  12. scorpio commented on Feb 27

    how ’bout “liquid net worth”? and i want everyone to be honest

  13. randy commented on Feb 27

    what’s my cut of your profits, if i fill out this survey?

  14. Dervin commented on Feb 27

    Wow, I’ve never felt so inadequate filling out a online survey in my life. I’m such a failure.

  15. Joe Klein’s conscience commented on Feb 27

    I think the SWF’s already have that covered. How fun must it be for the holders of petro dollars right now?

  16. Joe commented on Feb 27

    lol @ Dervin.. you aren’t joking buddy.

  17. Ross commented on Feb 27

    OK, you got my pound of flesh but by the spring of 09, you’ll be paying $14.99 a pound for a T-Bone from Fred. (yes, I name my steers).

  18. yoshi commented on Feb 27

    “Single, Never married”

    Bah – I hate these antiquated marketing surveys. I am not single nor am I married. Since the puritans among us feel that marriage must be ‘protected’ from people like me.

    Also – I concur with Scott – ‘Self employed, entrepreneur” should be an option.

  19. Ross commented on Feb 27

    To yoshi’s point.

    There should have been a question about life insurance.

    “here’s to wives and girlfriends. May they never meet.”

  20. JustinTheSkeptic commented on Feb 27

    Barry, I wish you would have come out with this servey last month, my income has suffered since then. Dam, lying CNBC analysts…if only they’d present as many bears as bulls.

  21. Erin commented on Feb 27

    Lets take Craigslist as a case study. Sure they could upgrade the site and make it more usable. And make an absolute fortune in doing so. But is that what users really want, no.

    Likewise, we visit BP for the content. Is it a little clunky and disorganized sure. But who cares! Every commercialization I’ve ever seen or been a part of has altered the content, not positively.

    I, we, come for your unvarnished opinions. That will be lost. Sure we will catch glimpses of it but more-over it will become a distant memory.

    Think about sitting in a ‘future’ BP production meeting. Ultimately there will come a time where a decision is made to post marginal content because of deadlines or whatever other pressure. Is that what you want, or do you want a blog that truly reflects you, your opinion and your style? I much prefer your style and opinion to some editors interpretation of it. Thats why I come here.

    If you want to make a boat-load here at BP go ahead I applaud you for it, seriously. Just don’t think you will be able to kid all of us into thinking your motives are consumer centric.

    Now, off to complete the survey.


    BR: Content absolutely positively won’t change. Two examples:

    1) One advertiser’s contract stated: “TBP content could not to discuss an advertiser.” My answer: Fuck off.

    2) Another advertiser had as a clause that stated: “Member shall not display or make accessible on Member’s Site(s) materials that: (A) infringe copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right; (B) are libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, libelous, abusive or hateful; (C) violate any applicable law, rule or regulation.

    I told them “B” was a deal killer — I specifically reserved the right to be libelous, abusive, defamatory, obscene, threatening, libelous, hateful or obscene;

    If the content changes, the site is worthless. . .

  22. Bjarni M commented on Feb 27

    I live in Iceland not “Icel And” a small error which annoyed me a bit :P

  23. ramster commented on Feb 27

    I like the implicit acknowledgment that a lot of your readers are from Canada. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  24. Jackson commented on Feb 27

    The classy version of a/s/l.

    “Likewise, we visit BP for the content. Is it a little clunky and disorganized sure. But who cares!”

    I actually prefer this; aesthetics matter to me, and if my library at home is any indicator of my preferences, then I’m going to definitely go for people who err on the side of shotgunning out a ton of information rather than trying to be too efficient and thus unfortunately removing the things that, while I need them rarely, I really do need when I go looking for them.

    This site is a veritable treasure trove of links, and the charming disorganization merely enhances my odds of finding unexpected treasure.

  25. Christopher commented on Feb 27

    I read your posts through Google RSS reader. I only stopped by today for the survey.

  26. matt commented on Feb 27

    I second an above comment. I would be interested to see some of your demographic data. I”m guessing I’m towards the younger and less well off. (alas, I have, like most of America, lived beyond my means, and I don’t even have a flat screen to show for it!) And investment portfolio? Ha! But at least I’ll be prepared when I do have one. Oh, and if you want to make more money Barry, why not start selling t-shirts and mugs? Perhaps a “Ben Steinery” themed series? Or even undergarments? Could add a whole new meaning to “Big Picture” ;-) You could have a contest for merchandise ideas with winners receiving free merch.

  27. cinefoz commented on Feb 27

    BR said:

    1) One advertiser’s contract stated: …
    My answer: Fuck off.

    2) Another advertiser had as a clause that stated: …

    I told them “B” was a deal killer — I specifically reserved the right to be libelous, abusive, defamatory, obscene, threatening, libelous, hateful or obscene;

    reply: You sound like you grew up in my neighborhood. I like the way you talk. This must be why I feel so comfortable here.

  28. Nikky commented on Feb 27

    Hey Barry, your website is a great resource for those of us who work at home and invest for ourselves. Hold out for the big advertising bucks!

  29. Sluggo commented on Feb 27

    Barry how about some questions about our musical taste, wine and dining, women? (just for fun)
    Real people do not drink beer or listen to rock.
    Real people (traders like me) listen to Yo Yo Ma while drinking fine wine!!!!

  30. Pat G. commented on Feb 27

    I will provide the information in order to continue exchanging ideas with others on this site. However, I don’t understand why asking questions of a monetary/resource nature are relevant. Besides how do we know whose getting this info and how will it be either shared or used. Maybe you could answer this or not.

  31. Chris Noyes commented on Feb 27

    Thanks Barry I just joined your paid news letter

  32. Eclectic commented on Feb 27


    I said I would and I will… but first, reassure me that the survey itself can’t read my IP address.

  33. Barry Ritholtz commented on Feb 27

    Its just a standard text based survey requested by advertisers.

    No IP address info is collected . . . .

  34. Greg0658 commented on Feb 27

    #9 Own Residence? Y or N Should have a % in there. Bank 20% You 80%

    #14 Investment Portfolio $$? What about defined benefit plan (someway), and not SSI.

    I agree there is another marriage category these days, “living together without paper decree”

  35. Eclectic commented on Feb 27

    Okay, I did it, but if some fake motor trucker named “Mr. Eclectic” starts buying cars and houses in my name, I’m gonna try a piece of you on.

  36. Erin commented on Feb 28

    To BR

    Thanks for your commitment, it does assuage my concern. I will not look forward to the redesign. Any thoughts on when we may expect to see updates?

  37. Erin commented on Feb 28

    Freuden slip

    meant to say
    I will now look forward to the redesign.

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