Financial Blog Search Engine

Here’s a pretty smart idea, via Microcaps Speculator:  Search over 100 of the top financial blogs at once, without any of the spam blogs (splogs) that clog results on typical blog search engines.


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  1. Alex commented on Feb 21

    Interesting Tool, Barry. I tried “gold” first and got only one result: ;)

    Other words like “recession” or “stagflation” produced more output, so it seems to be working fine.

    Keep up the good work!

    Best regards from Germany.

  2. Street Creds commented on Feb 21

    Nice Tool, works fine and saves time. And I can rhyme.


  3. Unsympathetic commented on Feb 21

    Gotta disagree with you here, BR. An economics blog search engine doesn’t return links from any of: calculated risk, naked capitalism, accrued interest AND sudden debt?

    Perhaps I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue, but until the list of blogs searched is in fact comprehensive.. thanks but no thanks.

  4. Unsympathetic commented on Feb 21

    Gotta disagree with you here, BR. An economics blog search engine doesn’t return links from any of: calculated risk, naked capitalism, accrued interest AND sudden debt?

    Perhaps I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue, but until the list of blogs searched is in fact comprehensive.. thanks but no thanks.

  5. Bubbles commented on Feb 21

    Thanks for the link. Just found an article which I had no luck finding through regular search engines and had given up because of all the spam blogs. Only had to browse through 50 results, not thousands and thousands of irrelevant results.

  6. Brian commented on Feb 21

    The “no splogs” seems like a straw man, and the the list of sites they crawl seems very limited (as noted by others).

    I gave it a test search for “bear market” + roubini. It gave me 59 results, but ignored RGE Monitor, nakedcapitalism, and many other sites I use.

    A Google search for the same turned up 50,000 results from a wide diversity of sites, and no splogs within the first 150, when I stopped.

    So I’ll stick with Google for now. If I do need something real fast I can always do a Google search within TBP.

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