
Walking back from a lunch meeting, and who do I bump into? Lindsey from WallStrip ! She is interviewing people on the street, asking them about the G-Spot, when I recognize her, and stop to say hello.

She asks me about the G-Spot. I respond that since a C-Spot is a $100, a G-spot must be a $1,000. Also, I tell her the female orgasm is a myth.

We do "Long/Short," and I admit to being long female orgasms and short equities.

Fun stuff.  Except for the people who don’t know my sense of humor, and say "Who is this pinhead who thinks the female orgasm is a myth?

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  1. Eclectic commented on Feb 29

    Tell Lindsey she’s a tasty lookin’ chick, but she’s got competition now. It’s Sarah Lacy over at Tech Ticker.

    It’s a tough choice, but I’m *leaning* towards Lindsey at the moment… if you get my point.

    However, Sarah’s got that Valley Girl thing going and she’s lookin’ good.

    Hmmm?… Do we go with Kuntry Fried or the erudite Bonsai?… Which?

    Oh, well… WTF?… It’s only a dream… just a daydreamin’ day… either way.

    BTW, Barringo… You can take *this* and choke your BVD Bonefish with it:

  2. MooPoint commented on Feb 29

    I’ll have what she’s having.

  3. gjw commented on Feb 29

    Another “grin of the week”, thanks. Oh and many of us are still learning about your sense of humour and enjoying it.

  4. Johnny Debacle commented on Feb 29

    Lindsay Campbell no longer does WallStrip, not for awhile. She does which isn’t out yet. But yes, she’s great.

  5. bluestatedon commented on Feb 29

    There’s nothing orgasmic about the market today.

  6. Tom B commented on Feb 29

    “I’ll have what she’s having.”

    I’ll have what she’s offering.

  7. Eclectic commented on Feb 29

    “Lindsay Campbell no longer does WallStrip, not for awhile.”


    OMG!, my libido thinks its throat’s been cut and it’s been thrown in a ditch and left for d-e-a-d!

  8. bluestatedon commented on Feb 29

    Today’s “Who Are These People Surprised by Economic Data,” courtesy of the NYTimes:

    “The sell-off accelerated after a bellwether report on Chicago-area business activity unexpectedly plunged to its lowest level in more than six years.”

    This week has featured an almost daily barrage of some of the grimmest economic news we’ve had in months, yet the Chicago news is really “unexpected?”

    These people could smear themselves with bacon grease and hamburger drippings, vault the wall into into the lion exhibit at the zoo, and still profess “surprise” at being attacked.

  9. MarkTX commented on Feb 29

    “I tell her the female orgasm is a myth.”

    And after today, looks like the Leap Day Rally is a myth.

    What next…..Don’t tell me “festivus” is a myth………

  10. John East commented on Feb 29

    If you’re not hitting her G-spot, maybe it’s not just equities that you are short on.

  11. PONCH commented on Feb 29

    those lines are gold.

  12. Chief Tomahawk commented on Feb 29

    Sounds like Lindsey gets the really hard assignments…

    Has she been a guest on Larry Kudlow’s show? Her presence could only help at this point.

  13. russell120 commented on Feb 29

    As Mr. East above alluded to, maybe it’s Mrs. Big Picture that needs to be answering those questions. At the very least, she is the one who will determine if your positions end up in the money.

  14. MarkM commented on Feb 29


    Long time, no chat. So. If Lee van Cleef is Hank Paulson, who are the others in the Cemetary scene that we’re watching?


  15. Movie Guy commented on Feb 29

    “Also, I tell her the female orgasm is a myth.”

    Uh, oh. I have calls to make all over the world then. Time for some to fess up.

    Say it’s not so…


  16. Robert commented on Feb 29

    MarkTX: Festivus will NEVER DIE!

  17. Eclectic commented on Feb 29


    Dr. Benber N. Anke is Tuco: “No bullets in his gun and he doesn’t know it yet.”

    The Economy is the set of bones in Arch Stanton’s grave: “All that’s left is for them to be reburied.”

    Congress is Blondie: “He’s just writing nothing on the back of a stone.”

    The Public is the little boy on the water-wheel jackass: “They watch a magnificent horse parade-stepping across a sunlit background, and they don’t know the evocative tones bring an ominous ending.”

  18. Lindsay commented on Feb 29

    Berry? You mean me, Lindsay Campbell right?

  19. Bob A commented on Feb 29

    and since we’re on the topic of hot web tv hosts and orgasms, I thought I might introduce you to the very lovely ladies over at Shiny Shiny.

    They’re very good on reviews of things like cellphones and the like, but they also do a very nice job covering well… other things.

    And I don’t know about you but I love the accents

  20. Eclectic commented on Mar 1


    I’ve read every comment and I’ll take my hat off to you. You are a man (or woman) with an ironclad and resolute dedication to purpose.

    WTF did you think this topic was, anyway… some article in a Harvard Economic journal of some sort?

    This one was for mindless and trivial sexism, solely for the purpose of relieving stress. Get a life!

    Just kidding blue-s-d, just kidding.

  21. Winston Munn commented on Mar 1


    I’ve written out some thoughts and need a prof to grade it – you willing?

  22. Eclectic commented on Mar 1

    Fire away, Winston.

    I make no pretense of being able to grade you, unless you’re writing an essay on my essays…

    …or unless it’s mindless sexism and you give me sufficient time for exhaustive remedial research.

  23. MarkM commented on Mar 1

    Ah, the little boy on the water wheel jackass. Even the innocents were cut down on the stairs as they tried to save the others. Good one.


  24. DavidB commented on Mar 1

    Ahhh Lindsay, the perfect woman. Pretty, funny and enough brains to carry on an economic conversation.

    Probably not afraid to kick you in the butt when your doing something wrong either

    What a beautiful woman.

    Where were you when I was there sweety?

  25. DavidB commented on Mar 1

    That should read you’re

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