Out of Pocket Most of Today

Crazy day today, all internet video based:

Forbes (Bob Lenzner is a terrific madman)
India TV
Yahoo’s Tech Ticker (Aaron Task)
Reuters Interactive

After this week, I will be throttling back media appearances for a while. Very time consuming, and gets in the way of work/web surfing.

Also, I have 3 really interesting pieces coming out next week, including what I think is a big newsmaker.

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Chief Tomahawk commented on Mar 27

    Soon to become the 11th Commandment:

    Thou shalt not interfere with another’s web surfing.

    Co-sponsored by Google & Microsoft…

  2. Barley commented on Mar 27

    re news/info circuit…sitting in a Canadian hotel room yesterday, turned on the TV, surfed for a business channel, and there you were! After your spiel, I continued to watch the business news but, IMHO it was like a B-movie version of Squakbox.
    But, enjoyed your appearance.
    Canada does not seem to be going through the difficult housing mess. The underwriting stds. for Cdn. financial institutions is much more disciplined. This said, there have been some large projects cancelled and a couple have gone into receivership – even in the hottest real estate market Vancouver, British Columbia

  3. Noah Webster commented on Mar 27

    Incorrect usage of “out of pocket” – sorry, just a pet peeve. You mean to say “out of touch”, but pocket has insinuated itself into the lexicon. Hopefully not snarky, just trying to be helpful.

  4. freshMint commented on Mar 27

    Ha! IndiaTV! It’s one of those sensational channels that is known only for it’s tabloidy sneak-peek hidden camera ‘scandals’ of 2-bit Bollywood actors doing el-cheapo things and other news “created” solely to fill up the airtime. Think E! + UK’s Sun..or something of that sort.

    I didn’t know they had a biz segment wise enough to invite you. I don’t get that channel here from my local cable guy..so I wouldn’t know if they have improved in recent times..but their website — which I checked I think for the first time — doesn’t prove so.

    I don’t know whether I am glad or sad to see that channel up there in the list…but just feels notable enough to open my comment account on this blog :)

    longtime lurker – firstime Commenter,
    -freshMint (Bangalore).

  5. Chris D. commented on Mar 27

    While Barry is busy, can I prevail upon the wisdome of his crowd to answer me this?

    At the end of the day, was Alan Greenspan a Keynesian or a monetarist or some variety thereof?

    (I’m serious.)


  6. Ross commented on Mar 27

    Chris D
    I’ll take a stab at it. At the end of the day, Greenspan didn’t know himself. He was an Ayne Rand sycophant who allowed Atlas to shrug.

    At Rand’s funeral was a flower arrangement in the shape of a dollar $…

    A good account of the failed Fed is a recent book by Bill Fleckenstein “Greenspan’s Bubbles.”

  7. Scott commented on Mar 27

    “Out of pocket” is a football term; it refers to a quarterback, scrambling out of the front lineman’s protective pocket.

    BR is out of the protective pocket it of his comfy screens

  8. Alain Prost commented on Mar 27

    I’ve never understood why you spend so much time as a talking head on different TV programs – do they pay you or is it just free PR for you newsletter and hedge fund?

  9. RNL commented on Mar 27

    The bad news keeps on coming and coming:

    Oil back up
    GDP slows to a crawl for Q4
    More bank failures on the way
    New Century/KPMG issue looking Enron-y
    Merill/UBS rumored to post more losses
    Citigroup about to write down another 13B(!)
    More BoA, JPM, and Wachovia writedowns coming
    WaMu looking precarious, Alt-A pool a worry

    (yet the market doesn’t seem as gloomy as the headlines would indicate)

  10. pj commented on Mar 27

    I think BR is referring to NDTV Profit, Nasdaq Live segment. He used to comment there sometime back. Havent seen him ard there these days.

  11. Darkness commented on Mar 27

    >Incorrect usage of “out of pocket” – sorry, just a pet peeve. You mean to say “out of touch”, but pocket has insinuated itself into the lexicon. Hopefully not snarky, just trying to be helpful.

    I assumed Barry cleverly meant “I’ll only be chatting via my blackberry.” As in: I’ll only be talking to you out of my pocket, as opposed to sitting civilized-like, at a desk.

    And, it’s the Internet, what is this “incorrect use” of which you speak?

  12. Roger Bigod commented on Mar 27

    Why are you wasting your beautiful mind on all those gigs? We’re your true fanbois. When you have time to post, the blog truth-per-byte ratio approaches Fafblog.

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