World Clock

I love that all of these are now totally embeddable . . .

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  1. Michael commented on Mar 9

    Talk about your “chart porn…”

  2. Paul Jones commented on Mar 9

    2 deaths per second; kinda puts life in perspective.

  3. Jurgen commented on Mar 9

    They forgot to add to the list the number of people that were pulled out of poverty during the last 10-20 years (Brazil, Russia, China, India. Etc…). I guess the number were too large to squeeze then into these clocks.

  4. Greg0658 commented on Mar 9

    Jurgen – “list the number of people that were pulled out of poverty”

    then if I understand the world and balance
    – list # that lost status

    or do we still believe that the rising tide floats all boats without bias?

  5. bsneath commented on Mar 9

    Makes me yearn for those days of the past when life was so much better.

    Disease free, no poverty, no childhood deaths, no malnutrition, excellent sanitary conditions……

  6. bsneath commented on Mar 9

    Greg0658 –

    “The proportion of the developing world’s population living in extreme economic poverty fell from 28 percent in 1990 to 21 percent in 2001.” (source World Bank via Wikipedia)

    A rising tide? maybe not.

    Globalization? Absolutely Yes.

  7. Jurgen commented on Mar 9

    Greg0658 and Bsneath,

    Because of my business I travel often. I have witnessed a day and night difference between 1995 and 2007 in Russia and the entire Easter Europe, India, Brazil and most of South America, China and most of that region — literally day and night difference.

    You do not have to go far, just compare the 1995 vs. 2007 Forbes list of billionaires. In 1995, the top ten consisted mostly of Americans and Western Europeans. In 2007, there are only two Americans on the top 10 list (the rest are Indians, Russians, Mexican, etc.)

  8. phil commented on Mar 9

    how many Einsteins have been aborted today? this Year?

  9. Will commented on Mar 9

    I don’t know Phil, how many Hitlers have been aborted today? Asshat.

  10. Rod commented on Mar 9

    How sad is to read,

    Species Extinct :

    5079 + cinefox = 5080.

  11. public defender commented on Mar 9

    C’mon, Rod. :-) That’s an unnecessary cheap shot!

    At least, premature, no? There’s a whole year ahead of us.

    Let’s please not belittle minority-view readers here. Cinefoz doesn’t necessarily believe the stock market will rise in real terms. But, that might be better than cash or bonds.

  12. gregh commented on Mar 10

    interestingly at 6:18:54 Monday, the oilspills and species extinct match each other – i hope this is a bug

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