


What's been said:

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  1. Uncle Jeffy commented on Apr 30

    Why can’t cartoonists use spellcheck?

    (Funny nonetheless – Bernanke must feel like he’s running a gauntlet)

  2. mappo commented on Apr 30

    The problem is the use of spellcheck as a substitute for proofreading. “Noting” is a correctly-spelled word, just not the right word.

  3. The Financial Philosopher commented on Apr 30

    Not to get too far off topic, but the removal of our mind from the correct spelling of words enables the “freudian slip,” which can often be a secondary interest of observation…

  4. AGG commented on Apr 30

    Remember the TV show “Laugh In”? They had this guy with a German helmet riding a tricycle. He used to say, “Verrrry IIIInteresting, but not funny”.

  5. John Borchers commented on Apr 30

    Interestingly enough if you devalue your currency enough you CAN give the impression you have growth during a recession.

    Very interesting policy the gov’t has taken on.

  6. MarkM commented on Apr 30

    What he said was “Very interesting. But shtoopid.”

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