Real Scoop: Television Pundit Analyzer

How would you like to have this attachment on your TV ?

"RealScoop utilizes leading voice analysis technology to analyze statements made by public figures. The BELIEVABILITY METER™ analyzes each video second by second, displaying the real-time results in a color-coded manner from left to right. The most believable statements are green, gradually turning red as they become more questionable.

Here’s what it looks like in action:

CEO of Bear Stearns (3 Days Before Collapse)
click for video



If I were philosopher king, I would mandate that be installed on every television set.


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Discussions found on the web:
  1. Alfred commented on Apr 21

    That,s an interesting idea, but how does it work? It could be like a lie detector that works with the level of the voice or work with interactive input from viewers.
    If I would be a psychologist I would say that Schwartz in his ominous interview hesitated for a second after mentioning “Bear’s liquidity” and closed his eyes for a moment too long, as if he was ashamed telling everybody a lie. But thats history and he’s got a new job now, so I guess nobody cares.

  2. anon commented on Apr 21

    If the scale is believability, and the meter goes left to right, shouldn’t “highly questionable” be on the left and “believable” on the right? I know, I know. It’s just a joke.

    IMO the meter is pointless. No pundit is believable.

  3. Timothy Sykes commented on Apr 21

    LOL, beautiful, now they just need to setup a way to bet on it and it’ll be really useful

  4. Tool commented on Apr 21

    Needs to be portable so I can take it to the auto mechanic, dentist, financial advisor…Why is it coming to this?????

  5. bluestatedon commented on Apr 21

    While I don’t doubt for a second that Schwartz was lying through his teeth, there is no verifiable, scientific reason to assume this alleged technology is anything other than complete bullshit. I’d have to see analyzed in real time in true lab testing situations, conducted by independent observers, before I’d accept this technology as bona fide.

  6. Donny commented on Apr 21

    The REAL QUESTION is: what is going to become of Alan Schwartz’s comments on CNBC days before the collapse? It’s called accountability.

  7. Ben commented on Apr 21

    CNBC Malissa said, the market could be a lot worse…….
    Sounds like CNBC wins the oral test again.

  8. Sean commented on Apr 21

    Tha bank of England bailout is a shame.

    Barry, you should post the fact that BoE is GIVING 1-year loan!! And this loan is Automatically RENEWABLE to 3-year!!!

    USA FED will not be outdone by their current 90-days loan. They will come back with 10-year loan, Renewable to 30-year FIXED!

  9. Man With All The Answers commented on Apr 21

    pretty bad.

    But guess what its only a matter of time before the next one fails.

    They lie,…lie, oh and then lie a little more.

    There is so much crud going around the woods these days I can hardly belive it.

    Wait till they cancel cramers show. Heck that should have been done months ago!

  10. Floyd Turbo, American commented on Apr 21

    “…there is no verifiable, scientific reason to assume this alleged technology is anything other than complete bullshit. I’d have to see analyzed in real time in true lab testing situations, conducted by independent observers, before I’d accept this technology as bona fide.”

    Posted by: bluestatedon | Apr 21, 2008 10:56:49 AM


    Verifiable science is sooo 20th century. It was science that established that lie-detector tests didn’t work, but look how popular they are today. Science was wrong. Plus, everybody knows that the key to truth can be found in the application of electrical current to genitalia (while some might call this torture, we prefer to call it stimulation). It’s cheap, too. When this method is applied, it turns out that the truth is always what you thought it would be. As for the RealScoop system, I don’t see the value unless I can push a button and shock someone’s nuts if I think they are lying.

  11. Michael Goode commented on Apr 21

    Realscoop is likely a complete fraud. The one problem with voice analysis technology is that it doesn’t work at all–it is 100% completely useless. Even lie detectors, which require that a person be hooked up directly to the machine, are less effective than most people believe.

    While in graduate school I met Mitch Sommers, who is a bit of an expert in the area of voice-stress lie detection. Here is what he said regarding an expensive and widely used (by police departments) in-person voice stress analyzer: “In our evaluation, voice-stress analysis detected some instances of deception, but its ability to do so was consistently less than chance — you could have gotten better results by flipping a coin.”

    Considering that the system that Sommers tested involved using highly sensitive microphones in controlled interviews, while the Realscoop technology makes do with whatever is shown on TV, I would conclude with 99.99% certainty that Realscoop is a useless fraud.

    Here’s a link to Prof. Mitch Sommer’s website:

  12. VJ commented on Apr 21


    America already has one of these. It’s seems every time Chimpy appears on national TV, the stock market goes down. Mr. ‘Reverse Midas Touch’ rides on.

  13. sixthskinjob commented on Apr 21

    “If I were philosopher king, I would mandate that be installed on every television set.”

    If I were king, I would mandate that television be abolished.

  14. Donny commented on Apr 21

    If I were king, I would mandate that television be abolished.

    But that’s the reason why you ain’t king!

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