Weezer’s Ode to You Tube

The official video for "Pork and Beans" from Weezer stars quite a few familiar YouTube faces.

New Weezer disc Red Album" out Monday, June 3rd, 2008

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  1. Scott commented on May 31

    This is a great video !!! But I think it is sad that I witnessed the original videos on youtube.

  2. Joe commented on Jun 1

    Absolutely fantastic video:

    I don’t know how “Chocolate Rain” got so damn popular! Also I always forget how stunningly beautiful Miss South Carolina is (despite her uncomfortable moment):


    Found this neat little list of performers in the video.

    Gary Brolsma, Matt McAllister, Mark Allen Hicks (“Afro Ninja”), Chris Crocker, Caitlin Upton, Judson Laipply, Kicesie, Tay Zonday, Kevin Federline (archival footage), Liam Kyle Sullivan, Ryan Weiber, Michael “Dorkman” Scott, Jeong-Hyun Lim, and the Star Wars kid, as well as references to the Dramatic Prairie Dog, Fritz Grobe and Stephen Voltz’s Diet Coke and Mentos eruptions, parody G.I. Joe PSAs, catching Raybans with one’s face, the Free Hugs Campaign, the Dancing Banana, Will It Blend?, All Your Base Are Belong to Us, Daft Hands, Daft Bodies, the Sneezing Panda, the Soulja Boy dance, a CGI Donald Duck and King Kong, Charlie the Unicorn, and the UFO sighting in Haiti Hoax vide

  3. drray commented on Jun 2

    So good! Made my day discovering the dramatic animals
    Weezer good, weezer good…

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