“To The Point” Rebroadcast

“I didn’t get a chance to listen to your “To The Point” broadcast live. Anyway you can grab the audio porion of that for replay?”

As you wish . . .

Our portion of our show starts at about 7:20 into the broadcast.

Also appearing: Thomas Donlan of Barron’s, and Berkeley Professor Jakob Hacker (author of The Great Risk Shift), and MIT Economics History professor Peter Temin

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  1. Simon commented on Jul 20

    All of it in a nut shell. Beautiful!

  2. Sherman McCoy commented on Jul 20

    YOU are eminently sensible here, Barry. So is Donlan. But this dude Jakob Hacker seems like a total idiotic quack… His idea that the “common Americans” are not to blame for their own personal balance sheets is just plain STUPID. What about all these un-educated fat people who got drunk on debt and were driving SUVs up until a few months ago?? And let’s not forget that they voted for war-mongering debt-inflicting and regulation-blind BUSH… TWICE! THIS is the world that these “common Americans” voted for and paid for too!

    Wall Street is to blame for its problems, certainly, and Greenspan is to be blamed for being Greenspan, but the average folks who were greedy and gluttonous and made bad financial decisions need to take responsibility for themselves.

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