Interview: Richard Syron, Freddie Mac chairman & CEO

Freddie Mac Fires Back, Pt. 1
Inside Freddie Mac, with Richard Syron, Freddie Mac chairman & CEO and CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo.

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Part II:  Freddie Mac Fires Back, Pt. 2
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Thanks, Dougie!

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  1. JustinTheSkeptic commented on Aug 8

    Quote from Dick Syron: “which I do not expect to see.” (when talking about having to use government back-stop).

    Did he say it once, twice, thrice? I loss count…

    Dollars to doughnuts we see it! Not even Jesus can fix this mess, so don’t expect these mellon-heads to be able to.

  2. Deano commented on Aug 8

    What else is he going to say at this point? He kept inserting “at this point, from what I know now….”. Those are the weasel words. If he came out and said that it looked like things were going to get worse (DUH! More foreclosures with resetting ARMS) and they would probably have to use “the bank”, the world would go crazy. This holds off the wolves for a short time. He’s just alike all the rest and holding his cards close to his vest.

  3. today commented on Aug 8

    No denial of any part of the NYT story when given the chance. Interesting.

    Also, no acknowledgement that Gross is correct that when you seek taxpayer backing, there then becomes the risk of a taxpayer bailout. That was a denial of the basic facts.

  4. toady commented on Aug 8

    Also, I don’t buy that “I couldn’t hear you so I’ll answer the question I wanted to hear, not the question you asked me even though those questions are closely related” gambit.

  5. Greg0658 commented on Aug 8

    watched it live – and yelled at the TV “I’d like to see all 19 big banks listed in order of crappy paper”

    imo the 17 banks want Fred and Fans assets to shore up their own accounts (naturally at dimes on the dollar)

    weren’t the gov backed banks more constrained by real rules?

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