Bad Commentary, Poor Advice, Weak Analysis

Some really bad, misguided commentary:

Short-Selling More Damaging than Weak Retail Sales; a Catch-22 for Equity Capital by David Malpass

When the guy who told you not to worry about the credit crunch in August 2007 (‘Don’t Panic About the Credit Market)
begins to blame short sellers, all you can do is shake your head in disgust.

Then there is this amusing-in-a-gallows-way headline from Gawker:

Good Morning, Your Money Is On Fire

And what has to be the single dumbest discussion on recent events in the published press:

• Don Luskin: Fannie, Freddie Bailout Should Be Good for the Market

(Smart Money, 9/12/08)  "I love the government rescue of Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie Mac (FRE). We’ll look back on it in a little while and realize it was the turning point in the credit crisis and the housing downturn . . . "

I had an email exchange with someone over the weekend who asked me about Luskin — I said, rather than me giving you my opinion, they should just read any of his old columns or watch his old appearances on on a 6 month delay. Unconditionally awful . . . 

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