Hurricane Tracker

While we are enjoying spectacular weather this weekend (I am on the beach as this is set to launch), Gulf Coast residents are dealing with a major Hurricane bearing straight down on New Orleans. 

So related to that unfortunate weather situation, check out this very neat interactive-infographic from MSNBC:


National Hurricane Center advisories are used to automatically update this Virtual Earth Map. See the locations, windspeeds and forecast paths for all active hurricanes.

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  1. SINGER commented on Sep 1

    Reaction of energy prices very interesting…

    All production shut in, and we’ve got a decline…

    The spin is that it’s because GUSTAV has been downgraded to a category 2…

    If this can’t get prices to go higher, I don’t know what will over short to medium term…

  2. jodie the berry picker commented on Sep 1

    gee Mr B drinking alot on the beach….never seen so many typos! hahahaha


    BR: Fixed!

  3. Bodz commented on Sep 1

    Hurricain – Freudian slip?

  4. VennData commented on Sep 1

    GOP just got hit with their own hurricane: Palin’s teenage daughter is pregnant.

    I feel for her, but that’s a category five for McCain.

  5. Mike in NOLa commented on Sep 1


    The typos probably show the perils of typing on an iPhone :)

    I came over to Houston Friday night and have been following the coverage on the local NOLA TV stations streaming coverage, e.g.,,

    Storm surge and winds were less than feared.

    Looks like it was a bust as far as major catastrophes in NOLA is concerned, although no doubt, there will be a people who have house damage and there will be hundreds of thousands w/o power.

    There may also be some flooding in coastal areas which can ruin homes.

    Text messages to my daughter over the past few hours have indicated damage from trees falling on houses. Happened to both one sister in law and one of her friends in Lafayette, LA. The latter has two trees on her house and rain is streaming into the bathrooms. That may be the biggest cause of damage, esp. where the eye passed.

    BTW, this was an unreported aspect of Katrina. We and the other close friends and relatives who lived in parishes that had severe flooding lived near the River on high ground that didn’t flood. We had fairly light damage. OTOH, those who lived North of Lake Ponchartrain in newer burbs, where there was no flooding, got hit by trees. The culprit was pine trees. The tall ones snapped off about 1/3 from the top. One had six trees on his house, another had four and had to live in a trailer in her front yard for months, another had four trees. My parents were lucky; many trees fell all around their house, but none hit the house. The roads were all impassable for days. I suspect tree damage cost homeowner insurers much of what they paid out, since flood insurance was paid the feds.

  6. Pete commented on Sep 1

    My coolege student nephew and his buddies left NOLA Frida AM for one of their parents house in Charleston . Maybe NOLA with let them return before they have to evacuate Charleston because of Hannah ,

  7. Lee commented on Sep 2

    “I feel for her, but that’s a category five for McCain.”

    Uh, no. But maybe you’ll get a puppy for Christmas.

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