Media Appearance: CNBC’s Fast Money (9/25/08)



Last night on Fast Money, there was a heated debate on who was to blame for the Housing boom and bust, and the credit crisis, and the current economic malaise (see this and this from last night’s show).

Tonite I will be on Fast Money with Dylan Ratigan debating the crew on this. I name names, assess blame, and point fingers. All the problems seem to be one after another in a series of unintended consequences.

We will go over the facts about the cause and who is the blame:

 Federal Reserve (FOMC)
 Mortgage brokers
 Federal Government
 Fannie Mae
 Lending banks
 Wall Street firms
 CDO Managers
 Credit agencies (Rating Agencies)
 Hedge funds
 Institutional Investors (pensions, insurance firms, banks, etc.)
 And back to regulatory role of the Federal Reserve


For a longer perspective, please see these previously published commentaries:
First Consumers, now Structured Financing: The Ongoing Impact of the Housing Sector (and who is to blame?)
Investor Insight, August 24, 2007

Real Estate and the Post-Crash Economy 
FrontlineThoughts, December 29, 2006


UPDATE Here is the Video:


We start about a minute in . . .

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