One Sees Signs of U.S. Recovery by Year End, One Doesn’t: Video

That Bloomberg appearance I did on Friday finally showed up online. Its mostly a macro discussion on the economy and unemployment.

Note this was prior to any of the Fannie/Freddie news.


click for Video


Source: Bloomberg

Barry Ritholtz, chief executive officer of Fusion IQ, and Bruce Kasman, chief economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co., talk with Bloomberg’s Kathleen Hays about the performance of the U.S. stock market, the August employment report released today and outlook for the economy. The country lost 84,000 jobs last month, more than forecast and the unemployment rate climbed to a five-year high of 6.1 percent, a sign that the economic slowdown is worsening two months before Americans elect their next president.

00:00 Ritholtz: equity market performance
01:02 Kasman: jobs report; economic outlook
02:44 Ritholtz: impact of economic growth on stocks
04:19 Kasman: credit markets; inflation outlook
06:07 Ritholtz: factors that could affect stocks

Running time 07:26

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