1929 MovieTone News on Stock Market Crash

The Country is Fundamentally Sound; ‘Don’t Panic, Stocks are Safe!’

Economist Professor Irving Fischer explains that the stock market crashed due to high expectations- not high stock prices. Too many speculators were playing the stocks with borrowed money, resulting in a run on the banks. 80 years later, the banks are speculating with borrowed money and investors are running away from them.


Did You Ever Lose a Million Bucks?

Take a tip from Margaret Shotwell who dispenses advice after losing 1 million dollars in the Wall Street stock market crash on Black Friday, October 28, 1929. Her only possessions are her piano and chinchilla fur


Regulation Will Destroy Capitalism 

Richard Whitney, President of the New York Stock Exchange, warns of the risks both to country and to capitalism posed by government regulators in the form of the the National Securities Exchange Act. This almost four full years before he was sent to Sing Sing Prison for embezzlement 


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