Department of Irresponsible Rumors: Landslide

I just spoke with a reporter for a well known national newspaper. According to this journo, exit poll data from within XXX suggested that the lead in Pennsylvania was double digits for Obama.

Note: Exit polling is notoriously crappy — if exit polls were at all reliable , we would be discussing President Kerry.

However, as I noted in yesterday’s prediction market game, the possibility of a huge one sided victory — GOP voters staying home, and motivated Obama supporters voting in droves — was the most likely of the outlier results. That might be what these polls are hinting at.

Strap yourself in for an interesting night.

I’m off to an election eve party filled with Obamicans: Republicans, including former Reagan and Nixon aides — hardcore GOPers all — who have decided to cross party lines.

Should be interesting!


Same source says Obama is leading in Virginia and Florida

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