72% of Conservatives Still Support Bush

I am still very surprised at this:

“George W. Bush remains popular among conservative Republicans (72% approve of him) despite his low overall approval rating. Meanwhile, moderate and liberal Republicans are as likely to disapprove as to approve of the job he is doing, and Democrats of all political orientations hold Bush in low regard.”

It raises the question: Short of being caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl, what does President Bush need to do for this group to disapprove of his performance? Is there anything?

Blind obsequiousness appears to be this group’s motto. 72% is a very strong rating — I’d like to ask what he would need to do to get this cohort’s approval rating even higher than 72%.  Asked another way, where does his record need improving?


Conservative Republicans Still Widely Support Bush
Jeffrey M. Jones
Gallup, December 11, 2008

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