Good Bank, Bad Bank by Dr. Seuss

For more than a decade, Joshua Brown has been managing money for high net worth clients, charitable foundations, corporations and retirement plans. Beginning his career at Lew Lieberbaum in 1997, Mr. Brown was named National Sales Manager in 2005. He is the New York City Branch Office Manager at Westrock Advisors. In addition to his career and responsibilities on Wall Street, Joshua Brown enjoys spending time with his wife and young daughter. He is the co-founder of an internet advertising business, an avid reader, the mind behind the Reformed Broker, and a single malt scotch aficionado. He is also a long-suffering New York Knicks fan…the single malt scotch helps!


Good Bank, Bad Bank by Dr. Seuss

Good Bank   Bad Bank

wells-fargo-good-bank wamu-bad-bank

Wood Bank Fad Bank

wood-bank fad-bank

Red Bank Blue Bank

red-bank blue-bank

Old Bank New Bank

old-bank new-bank

This one has This one has

a great big scar a fancy car

bank-scar fancy-car-bank1

Say! What a lot

of banks there are.

Some are sad.


And some are glad.


And some are very, very bad.


Why are they

sad and glad and bad?

I do not know.

Go ask your dad.


Some are hot.


And some are not.


The big one has

a parking lot.


From there to here,

and here to there,

funny banks

are everywhere.

Thank you, Dr. Seuss!

Full Disclosure: I am currently long WFC in client accounts

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