L O N G Recession

The WSJ on the current recession, on track to be one of the longest ever”

“The current U.S. recession, with no end in sight, threatens to be the longest since 1933, and that helps explain why investors are having so much trouble gauging the stock market.

Models developed in the more normal times of the past few decades, based on things like corporate-profit forecasts, the interest-rate environment or the length of the average recession, have failed in the current, exceptional economy. Many have signaled that stocks were cheap and it was time to buy, but stocks kept falling and got cheaper.

Since the Great Depression, only two recessions have run longer than this one, the first ending in 1975 and the other in 1982. Each lasted 16 months, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the government-designated recession tracker.”


Rebound Wrinkle: Recession
WSJ, JANUARY 5, 2009

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