In September, I mentioned that my internet provider, Optimum OnLine by Cable Vision, was hijacking my typos and searches via their DNS Redirect.
The company line is that this is a form of search assistance — but that’s transparent bullshit. I didn’t ask for search, and I know how to use Google. Besides, this defeats the auto search/find/connect function built into Firefox.
This system-wide change was implemented on 9/22/08. You have to physically opt out by selecting a few menus on that page (see below). That was 4 months ago.
This morning, I had the same problem. So I opted out again.
Thanis evening, the DNS redirect was back.
Apparently, there is no permanent opt out. There isn’t even a temporary opt out — the best you can hope for is a “momentary opt out.”
Just goes to show you: Even a slight bit of monopoly power is so easily abused by these clowns.
Optimum OnLine is trying to do to the internet what the Dolans have already done to the NY Knicks.
You can try to opt out via the “About this page” (see below)
New Optimum Search Results
(you need to click the About This Page to escape)
“About This Page” leads to an “About the Optimum Search Help” Page
(click the Opt Out of DNS Assistance Service to escape)
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