MSM Begins to Embrace YouTube

It used to be there were two kinds of MSM video in the world: Embeddable and Non-embeddable.

Embeddable is designed to be shared, and is easily inserted into blogs and social media. Non-embeddable is old school, seeking to drive traffic to a primary site.

Yes, you can capture and embed any video, via a few HTML tricks (like using Frames) or by using a few code tricks to pirate someone else’s stream, but 1) its a pain in the arse to do; and b) if they don’t want their videos publicized, well then, suit yourself, I’ll comply.

On the Embeddable side there is DJ (WSJ, Barrons and Marketwatch), Business Week, TDS, Charlie Rose, TED, Colbert, amongst others.

Non embeddable include NYT, CNBC, Bloomberg, MSN, PBS, Bill Moyers, etc.

However, the latest development in MSM video is the hybrid approach: Some major media sites, such as the New York Times and Bloomberg are creating their own channels on YouTube, and uploading all of their video content. Ever since the Times and Bloomberg have been using the embeddable video, I have been sifting thru their offerings and using a lot more of their stuff for TBP’s Video Channel.

Its the best of both worlds: They have their own content on their own sites, so it offers a [insert nonsense consultant babble here: fuller, rich multimedia blahblahblah] but they also get all the advantages of YouTube. Why shouldn’t they let Google pay for all of the hosting of video, get the benefit of blogs, facebook, social networks, etc. giving them a viral boost?

CNBC: Please Embed Your Videos: I am hoping that CNBC adopts the same model. There is a lot of great video content on their site amongst the volume of video, but its very difficult to find. You Tube allows viewers to separate the wheat from the chaff, take advantage of crowd voting, identify the higher rated stuff (i.e., separate the gems from the junk) and make it easier to embed.

MSN and CNBC both use old school, slow, non-flash based Windows Media. Congratualtions on your new 1998 technology!

CNBC has tentatively used YouTube to host commercials and promos for upcoming shows ( Somehow, I don’t see these commercials really catching viral fire. They are missing a tremendous opportunity to push their very best content, the gems hidden amidst the blahblahblah. Let it free!


Bloomberg vs CNBC Video: Bleccch (March 2008)

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