Business Magazine Advertising Pages

There is an interesting interactive graphic at this morning on total advertising pages for magazines.

As you would expect, ad sales are mostly down for print. The one-two punch of the secular move to the internet and the cyclical effects of the recession are hurting ad sales. (Time and Newsweek are each down 24%).

What really caught my eye is how the different business publications are faring during the downturn and financial crisis. You might think that this should be their time — CNBC ratings are way up, versus during the 2000-03 Bear market, when they were way down.

I am intrigued by the fact that turns out not to be the case; There are clear winners and losers in this *list:

The Economist:  +15%
Barron’s: +3%
Harvard Business Review  -3%
Forbes: -17%
Fortune  -22%
Money: -25%
BusinessWeek: -32%

* These are print pages, not web; Missing from the list are Portfolio (around less than 2 full years), Smart Money and Kiplingers. I’d be curious as to how Wired is doing in advert sales. (Chris, is this public info?)




Mostly Gloom for Glossies
NYT, February 1, 2009

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