
Interesting site that allows you to check on just about anything in the stimulus plan. You can search by keyword, federal program or by state.

Note: This appears to be a wish list, not the actual bill.

Check out your state and your town; Find projects by state or territory in these categories:

1. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – HUD program established in 1974 that awards localities funds to spend on local projects that promote urban vitality, and primary benefit low to moderate income persons.
2. Energy – The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) is a Department of Energy program established in 2007 to provide grants to localities to adopt energy efficiency improvements.
3. Transit Equipment and Infrastructure – Department of Transportation programs to purchase buses, street cars, and maintain transit infrastructure.
4. City Streets/Metro Roads – The Surface Transportation Program, operated by DOT, provides bridge, bus, rail and road project funding
5. Airport Technology and Infrastructure – Airport Improvement Program, a DOT program that provides funds for specific airport repairs and improvements (runways, rescue equipment, noise abatement)
6. Amtrak – established by Congress in 1970 to operate passenger railways. Funding for railway upgrades, tunnels, bridges and stations.
7. Water and Wastewater Infrastructure – federal grants used to repair water and sewer infrastructure, and protect the water supply
8. Public Housing Modernization – HUD Public Housing Capital Fund for repairs to public housing
9. Public Safety – Funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant, and Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program, Justice Department programs that provide money to hire security personnel and equipment.
10. Schools – a new federal program is proposed to provide federal funds to modernize school buildings.

Note that the people behind this site include mostly George Mason University researchers and Open Source advocates.


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