Big Picture Design Update

Ok, the next version of TBP (3.5?) is coming along. We made a few tweaks, and I need an art suggestion.

First tweak, if you go to the home page of the old site — — well, you cant, cause you get bounced over here. Numerous people told me this was impossible with Typepad, but, weellll, try it yourself. Even cooler, go to an interior page at the old site, and you have a 100 seconds before you get kicked over here. Neat trick!

Second,the header will taken down in size about 25%. And, the dreaded Flash home page header goes to an interior page (Cafe). That’s right, the people have spoken, and there will no more flash on the home page (and there was much rejoicing). This means I need some art work for the new and soon-to-be-smaller header on the home page. Any ideas for art or artists?  I am all ears.

The Nav bar will be under the now static header, and the tabs will be reduced from 6 to 4, and decolorized.

Next, we shall move the RSS feed, Google Search, and Email subscription to the right column. Its all part of our “the mob demands smaller header summer camp.”  Categories and calendar based archives also get added.

Lastly, I am adding “Macro notes” to the right column — short, near real-time economic commentary about the latest economic releases. Should be way cool.

Calling all talented artists!  I need some ideas, concepts or better, actual artwork for the new header.

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