Warren Buffett on CNBC (I – IV)

Here are the highlights of Buffett CNBC Modnay:

Warren Buffett: U.S. Economy Has Fallen Off a Cliff

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, says the Fed’s actions have prevented things from getting worse. The Berkshire Hathaway chairman/CEO says that it takes longer for Americans to regain confidence and only five minutes to become fearful, with CNBC’s Becky Quick.


Ask Warren: Banks Should Get Back to Banking
Berkshire Hathaway chairman/CEO Warren Buffett answers viewer e-mail on financial crisis concerns and housing


Viewers Ask Buffett: Crooks & Investment Advice
One viewer asks Berkshire Hathaway chairman/CEO Warren Buffett to prove he isn’t a Ponzi schemer and the billionaire investor gives advice on the markets.


Warren Buffett: Bailing Out the Big Three
Berkshire Hathaway chairman/CEO discusses the government’s plan to help boost the Big Three automakers


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