AIG’s Cassano: Trillion-Dollar Price on His Head

Great article on the AIG mess in the Times of London: Joseph Cassano: the man with the trillion-dollar price on his head.

I am not referring to the fact he quotes me, but rather some of the other detail that you never see in the US media.


“Until now, the economic crisis has been seen as a giant intellectual error, and AIG’s multimillionaire employees in England were simply the people who made the biggest mistakes. The first to own up to misjudgment was Gordon Brown’s friend Alan Greenspan — once so revered in his role as America’s central banker that to be photographed with him was as flattering as being seen now with President Obama. “I have found a flaw,” said Greenspan, referring to his free-market philosophy, after the banks started falling over. “I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I have been very distressed by that fact.”


Joseph Cassano: the man with the trillion-dollar price on his head
Tim Rayment
The Times of London, May 17, 2009

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