Finding the “New Normal”

As this bear market rally fades–or, at least, consolidates around this new level–we’re confronted again with questions about what the “new normal,” in Mohamed El-Erian’s phrase, will actually be. This is the main topic of discussion for The Big Picture Conference that will take place on June 3rd in New York.

The purpose of the confab is to get some of the smartest people we know together and hash out the main questions: not how did this happen but what will the future be like? We all accept that the country and the economy are going to take years of sorting out. But within that larger question there are many other smaller questions to work out.

  • Nassim Taleb will talk about his vision of a capitalism that can withstand shocks.
  • Barry Ritholtz will lead a panel with Jesse Eisinger, Randall Forsyth, Daniel Gross and Dylan Ratigan exploring what the media may be missing right now based on how the fourth estate missed much of the weakness of the boom.
  • Dylan Ratigan will lead discussion of future of alternative investments with Doug Kass and Paul Kedrosky.
  • Josh Rosner is going to give an analysis of the banking and credit system that seems to have dropped into the background.
  • Dylan Ratigan is working on getting two members of Congress to join us for a frank discussion about the government’s continuing role in fixing the banks.
  • John Mauldin will end the day with “Thoughts on the Continuing Crisis: How Do We Get Back to the Garden?”

Finally, in the weeks leading up the conference, Barry will be soliciting your questions for the panels. And we’ll be offering a series of video presentations from the conference afterwards. There will be a fee for the full versions of the panels but video will also be available on the site.

In next few days and weeks, we’ll talk more about how the conference is relevant to making sense of the world ahead of us. We’ll try to get Dylan Ratigan and Doug Kass to speak directly about what they hope to cover at the conference. Until, then register to join us.

The Big Picture Conference: Capitalism After Crisis takes place June 3rd in New York. Register here.

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