NYT Magazine Round Up



There is a full run of finance related articles coming up in the Sunday Times Magazine:

Diminished Returns: Its hit or miss whether I agree with Niall Ferguson’s conclusions, but he is always interesting.

The China Puzzle: David Leonhardt looks at the beginning of our problems with China. Very interesting read.

Brother, Can You Spare a Loan? Oh, goody, yet another article on peer-to-peer lending.

Suze Orman Is Having a Moment: A surprisingly interesting puff piece on the ubiquitous finance chater box. Hey, better her than Cramer . . .

My Personal Credit Crisis: I started Edmund Andrews new book, last month. I felt guilty, and had to stop. It was just so wrong — I had stolen someone’s personal diary and was reading very personal, intimate details of someone else’s life that I had no business reading.  TMI! Way too much information!

There’s more, but that will have to hold you til tomorrow . . .

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