Say Good Bye to the Merrill Bull

I thought this was kinda odd: Ken Lewis, the CEO of Bank of America, who either wanted/got stuck with/was forced into owning Merrill Lynch’s herd of brokers, is doing some redecorating.

No, not John Thain’s former office, but rather, he is retouching one of the most the famous logos of the business world over the past 30 years: The Merrill Lynch bull:

The scuttlebutt is that Lewis wants to replace this:




with this:




The logo is probably the best asset Merrill Lynch has going for it! I am not so sure I would be so quick to dispose of that recognizable asset . . . notes:

Anybody who is somewhat familiar with the world of business and stock market will recognize this logo instantly. A raging bull makes for a perfect logo for a company that is “bullish on America”. . . The existing logo of the company was adopted in 1974. The logo was designed by King Casey Designs for Marketing, Inc. (now King-Casey Inc). Three years earlier, the company had come up with a marketing campaign “Merrill Lynch is bullish on America” during a baseball World Series. So the designers might have derived the inspiration from that campaign.

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