10 Links

I keep getting carried away with the daily clickage/linkfest. Today, its only 10 links for Wednesday:

Foreclosures Are Often In Lenders’ Best Interest Government initiatives to stem the country’s mounting foreclosures are hampered because banks and other lenders in many cases have more financial incentive to let borrowers lose their homes than to work out settlements, some economists have concluded. (Washington Post)

The war being waged on the TARP watchdog’s independence (Salon)

• Stephen Roach writes: I’ve been an optimist on China. But I’m starting to worry (FT)

• UBS’ Andy Lees is giving away for free his book on fixing the crisis:  The Credit Crunch – Treating the disease rather than the symptoms

Study Finds Underwater Borrowers Drowned Themselves with Refinancings (WSJ Development)

Quant Paul Wilmott asks if we are Hurrying Into the Next Panic? (NYT)

New Wrinkle in Health-Care Debate (Barron’s)

Madoff: Can’t Believe I Got Away with It (ABC)

Prof. Gates’ Unconstitutional Arrest (Forbes)

Uranium Ore (Amazon)    The reviews are hilarious . . .

I like the new strategy: Limit myself to no more than 10 of the most interesting and off the beaten path links each day.

Rather than being comprehensive, force myself to just 10.


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