Too Many Posts ?

I received an email from Frank, who writes:

“I’ve been following your blog for about a year now, and while it has definitely been a good source of information to read concerning various financial market stories, the number of postings that come through the RSS feed has gotten to be too numerous to be able to handle in a reasonable fashion.

Google reader tells me that “The Big Picture” averages 100 posts per week, well more than any related financial blog I read (The Atlantic Business Channel comes in second at 60, Brad DeLong at about 50 — Brad might get cut next — Across the Curve got cut a long time ago).  I am trying to cut back on the amount of information I’m exposed to via RSS, and I’m afraid that The Big Picture will be getting the axe first due to the low quality/number-of-articles ratio (it’s the denominator that is killing more here).

I would advise having sub-categories or different RSS feeds for different categories of articles on The Big Picture that has; this would allow for a better signal/noise ratio (as “signal” is often determined by the reader).

Thank you for bringing this up — I actually addressed this very issue in a recent upgrade, but I have been remiss in publicizing it.

You now have the ability to subscribe to the RSS feed of just the main page —  The Big Picture — minus all the other tabs.

If you do the main subscription, you are now getting the main section, plus all 4 tabs (Think Tank, Video, Books and Weekends). In the Think Tank, Peter Boockvar’s excellent Macro-Notes alone must be close to 25 short posts a week. Add in guests’ longer posts, and it can add up.

If you look on the right hand column, about 2/3rds of the way down, there is an RSS feed called “subscribe via RSS to homepage.”

The link is this — —  and its about 25-30 posts per week.

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