Wednesday Linkfest

Its Wednesday afternoon — time for a quick linkfest, starting with quite a few surprising headlines:

Investors Say ‘Tarnished’ Fed Shouldn’t Oversee Systemic Risk (Bloomberg)

After the storm comes a hard climb (Martin Wolf, FT)

The Recession is Over (Newsweek)

Stimulus spending finally starts to trickle down (USA Today)

Americans’ stress over debt is easing (Associated Press)

Bair, Bernanke Push to Toughen Plan to Curb Biggest U.S. Banks (Bloomberg)

Rental Market: the New Inflation Fighter (WSJ)

How Obama wants to transform your finances (CNN/Money)

Google lab work bubbles over (GMSV)

What Your Favorite Social Network Says About You (Advertising Age)

Man’s Debit Card Charged $23 Quadrillion, $15 Overdraft Fee (WMUR New Hampshire)

There is a double dose of me media hidden in the list (sorry) —

Anything else fresh and linkworthy?

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