Alumni Career Talks: SUNY Stony Brook

I find this terribly amusing: I am keynote speaker at Stony Brook University homecoming this coming weekend.

Its billed as a “free lunch” but we know from Milton Friedman . . . besides, listening to me drone for an hour is hardly free . . .

Join us for the Alumni to Student Career Talks
Free Lunch and Discussions

Sunday, October 4th, 2009 * SAC – 1 PM


One of the most respected independent analysts on Wall Street – regular and special guest on ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, CNBC, CNN, C/SPAN, MSNBC, Nightline, NPR, and PBS – interviews and regularly quoted in Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, Kiplingers, NY Times, Wall Street Journal and many more!

The 8/2/09 NY Times Sunday Business Section review of Bailout Nation, wrote “Mr. Ritholtz has written an important book about a complicated subject… yet you could still read it at the beach. Here’s hoping that some policy makers in Washington take it with them on vacation this month.”

The Wall Street Journal noted “If you want to know how we got into
this mess and what might still be coming, this is the book for you.”

Bloomberg praised it as “A valuable new contribution to
our understanding of how we arrived at this sorry juncture.”

It has become the best reviewed book on the bailouts to date.

What makes this so terribly amusing is that as an undergraduate — well, let’s just say (grades aside) that I wasn’t exactly a model student.

Aside from the minor pranks I got caught for, there was a laundry list of other activities abd unsolved crimes my crew & I got away with.  And nowI am (heh heh) a keynote speaker at a homecoming weekend.

Blows the mind.


Check website for all Talks, room numbers, and more info on speakers

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