Bailout Costs to Date

                                  --- Amounts (Billions)---
                                    Limit         Current
Total                            $11,563.65     $3,025.27
 Federal Reserve Total            $5,870.65     $1,590.11
  Primary Credit Discount           $110.74        $28.51
  Secondary Credit                    $1.00         $0.58
  Primary dealer and others         $147.00         $0.00
  ABCP Liquidity                    $145.89         $0.08
  AIG Credit                         $60.00        $38.81
  Commercial Paper program        $1,200.00        $42.44
  Maiden Lane (Bear Stearns assets)  $29.50        $26.19
  Maiden Lane II  (AIG assets)       $22.50        $14.66
  Maiden Lane III (AIG assets)       $30.00        $20.55
  Term Securities Lending            $75.00         $0.00
  Term Auction Facility             $375.00       $196.02
  Securities lending overnight       $10.42         $9.25
  Term Asset-Backed Loans (TALF)  $1,000.00        $41.88
  Currency Swaps/Other Assets       $606.00        $59.12
  GSE Debt Purchases                $200.00       $129.21
  GSE Mortgage-Backed Securities  $1,250.00       $693.60
  Citigroup Bailout Fed Portion     $220.40         $0.00
  Bank of America Bailout            $87.20         $0.00
  Commitment to Buy Treasuries      $300.00       $289.22
Treasury Total                    $2,909.50     $1,075.91
  TARP                              $700.00       $372.43
  Tax Break for Banks                $29.00        $29.00
  Stimulus Package (Bush)           $168.00       $168.00
  Stimulus II (Obama)               $787.00       $303.60
  Treasury Exchange Stabilization    $50.00         $0.00
  Student Loan Purchases             $60.00         $0.00
  Citigroup Bailout Treasury          $5.00         $0.00
  Bank of America Bailout Treasury    $7.50         $0.00
  Support for Fannie/Freddie        $400.00       $200.00
  Line of Credit for FDIC           $500.00         $0.00
  Treasury Commitment to TALF       $100.00         $0.00
  Treasury Commitment to PPIP       $100.00         $0.00
  Cash for Clunkers                   $3.00         $2.88
FDIC Total                        $2,477.50       $356.00
  Public-Private Investment (PPIP)$1,000.00          0.00
  Temporary Liquidity Guarantees* $1,400.00       $301.00
  Guaranteeing GE Debt               $65.00        $55.00
  Citigroup Bailout, FDIC Share      $10.00         $0.00
  Bank of America Bailout, FDIC Share $2.50         $0.00
HUD Total                           $306.00         $3.25
  Hope for Homeowners (FHA)         $300.00         $3.20
  Neighborhood Stabilization (FHA)    $6.00         $0.05
* The program has generated $9.3 billion in income, according to the agency.


ABCP — Asset-backed commercial paper
AIG — American International Group Inc.
FDIC — Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
FHA — Federal Housing Administration, a division of HUD
GE — General Electric Co.
GSE — Government-sponsored enterprises (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
and Ginnie Mae)
HUD — U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
TARP — Troubled Asset Relief Program


Breakout of TARP funds:
                                  --- Amounts (Billions)---
                                     Outlay      Returned
Total                              $447.76        $75.33
Capital Purchase Program           $204.55        $70.56
General Motors, Chrysler            $79.97         $2.14
American International Group        $69.84         $0.00
Making Home Affordable Program      $23.40         $1.13
Targeted Investment Bank of America $20.00         $0.00
Targeted Investment Citigroup       $20.00         $0.00
Term Asset-Backed Loan (TALF)       $20.00         $0.00
Citigroup Bailout                    $5.00         $0.00
Auto Suppliers                       $5.00         $1.50


All data sourced  vi Bloomberg:
Fed’s Strategy Reduces U.S. Bailout Pledges to $11.6 Trillion
Mark Pittman and Bob Ivry
Bloomberg, Sept. 25 2009

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