Thursday Reading

Wow, a little travel and suddenly, the week is nearly over. Here are a few interesting items that caught my eye:

• Rosenberg: Equities carry too much risk (FT)

Five Scenarios for the S&P 500 (Singer)

Imagine If Lehman Brothers Had a Football Team (Crossing Wall Street)

Emerging Markets Have Room for Growth (Real Time Economics)

Bullish Estimates Fail to Keep Up With S&P 500 Gain (Bloomberg)

Is Modern Macro or 1978‐era Macro More Relevant to the Understanding of the Current Economic Crisis? (Gordon, Northwest U)

• Brad DeLong’s Magnificant Takedown of Chicago-style foolishness

Analyst Josh Rosner Nailed the Crisis (wallstcheatsheet)

LIFE magazine now available on Google Books (Inside Google Books) LIFE photo archive

Anything else worth reading?

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