Wednesday Reading

Now that I am back at my desk, here are some quick reads:

Chanos Condemns ‘Monstrous Idea’ That Banks Love (Bloomberg)

• Under Attack, Fed Chief Studies Politics (NYT)

Rosenberg: U.S. unemployment rate headed for 12.0-13.0% (Credit WriteDowns)

Attention Lloyd Blankfein: The Public Purpose of Banking (Marshall Auerback, New Deal 2.0)

How the middle class are shoplifting to keep up appearances (Times)

Timeline: Steve Jobs’ greatest hits (Fortune)

For whom the net tolls: Rupert Murdoch wants to remake the web as a toll both, with him in the collector’s seat, but the net won’t shift to his will

$h*t my dad says: I’m 29. I live with my 73-year-old dad. He is awesome. I just write down shit that he says (Twitter) Hysterical!

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