A Blurb for Ben Stein

My publisher writes:

Anyhow, I have a favor—Ben Stein has written a book for us, Little Book of Investing Dos & Don’ts — I’m wondering if I sent you some chapters you could write a sentence or two for the back jacket…

I told them to read my prior Ben Stein posts:

Farewell To Ben Stein (January 29th, 2008)

Good Riddance, Ben Stein (August 7th, 2009)

If they still wanted me to blurb him, I’d be happy to accommodate them. On the off chance they still want a pearl or two from me, I’d better get busy:

“When it came to pundits, few were more irresponsible and outright wrong about the crisis and collapse than Ben Stein; Find out what he’s wrong about now!”

“Filled with money losing advice!”

“This book is the culmination of a longstanding campaign to make himself look foolish. Mission Accomplished!”

Pick your favorite, and slap it on the cover!

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