Is Google Buzz a Facebook/Twitter Killer ?

I have a like-hate relationship with Facebook.

Ornery cuss that I am, I find the whole life-casting phenomena painfully trivial. Unless its a Seinfeld episode, I don’t care about how awesome their pizza was, their favorite team, the color their baby’s poo — all recent Facebook wall posts — the minor details of other people’s lives.

And, I suspect, neither do many other folks.

Look, I get it — its fun finding people from camp, junior high school, college whom you’ve lost touch with. I was contacted by a pre-nursery school neighbor who wanted to put his retired mom and my retired mom back in touch — they used to play Mah Jong together half century ago. There is a certain unique value to that.

So with my admission of luke-warmness towards FB, I have to ask the crew here: What are your thoughts on Google Buzz ? Is it, as some people have asserted, a destroyer of Facebook? A Twitter Killer?

And, did this — or will this — do anything to Google’s stock price?

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