Saturday LinkFest!

I always end up with a ton of stuff to read on the weekends — bookmarks, things I hadn’t gotten to all week, new materials. Here is what I will be perusing for the rest of the weekend:

• Preparing for the Inevitable Bursting Bubble (NYT)
Barron’s cover story: GM Is Back! (Barron’s)
• Grantham’s ‘Horrifically Early’ Calls Challenge GMO (BusinessWeek)
• Steve Cohen (SAC) Trades Secrecy for Golf With Investors Lured by 30% Gains (Bloomberg)
• Martin Wolf: How unruly economists can agree (FT)
• How To IPO Your House (Forbes)
Oh, goodie, another Housing Bottom Caller! Buffett Says U.S. Housing Market to Recover in ‘Year or So’ (Bloomberg)
• Billions of Songs, Billions of Apps, Not Much Profit (All Things Digital)
• Compressed sensing: The fascinating mathematics of Sparsity (Wired)
• Vast Antarctic iceberg breaks free (BBC Video) see also New evidence on Antarctic warming (BBC)
• Relieve Wall Street stress and downward-facing dog your way to relaxation (Bing)

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